Theres a She Wolf in the Closet....

Start from the beginning

Xavier can't help the laugh he lets out, even if there's a high probability his tongue will be cut out. Because Enid is as obvious as the day is long and Wednesday is as oblivious as the night is.

"WOW, you're perceptive today Wends!"

She glares at him from her peripheral, never once looking back at the amused blonde.

"We were just leaving."

Their project was t even half finished, in fact, the pieces of paper on the board were curling at the corners from the half-assed job. He casts a sidelong glance Wednesdays way, frowning.

Shes back to staring, wide eyed, at the table. Xavier fumbles for something witty to say when he catches sight of Wednesday's hands shaking beneath the table. Scared, and defensive. Posturing like she always did when she didn't want to deal with something exceptional to her.

Enid is staring at them both suspiciously, her nose twitching like a curious dog's whenever she isn't quite sure what to make of a situation. And he starts to laugh- obnoxious and nervous and stands all too abruptly, banging his knee in the process.

If Wednesday had pushed herself so far into the closet she couldn't meander her way out without clipping her self on the shelves, well, he'd hightail it with her in the face of true love.

Clearing his throat, he packs up what he can of their work that'll fit back into the stupid non-stretchy material of their fabric bag (because protecting the fucking environment was important, or whatever), smiling as warmly as he can manage at Enid.
"We'll catch you later, Enid, we're off to.."

A glance at Wednesday, who helpfully supplies with a muted smile of her own. "See the wizard."

And they interlock arms  when she pushes herself up, and it's all so weird— the entire day but Wednesday is still trembling and he's not exactly sure how to get her to stop short of smacking her.

Which would truly have his tongue cut off. Likely from Enid's neon orange claws, too.

Thankfully, the blonde just smiles amused, tilting her head. "Okay, bye you weirdos."

Wednesday is groaning when they leave the quiet hollow building for the cool and bustling hallway, "I want to be shot execution style."

Xavier narrowly misses being flattened by a broad jock, holding the poster board out like a shield in front of him.
"Oh spare me the melodramatics! Just tell her how you feel this isn't a rom-com."

She eyes him askance. "Yes because confessing your....emotions to someone who does not reciprocate is much more of a tragedy."

"You don't think she's into you?"

They duck into their classroom, settling down at the back of the room together. Wednesday toys with the strap of her backpack, before begrudgingly tossing it and herself down beside the artist. The room smells like mold and damp air.

"I know she isn't."

A beat passes, where he just looks at her like she's an idiot and she slowly starts to believe she might actually be.

He's throwing open a drawing pad and grabbing a pen in a beat, sketching out a Venn diagram and speaking in tones slow enough for a preschooler to comprehend.

"She... wolf. She- Enid. Enid- Wolf. Wolf in the closet- Enid in the closet. Closet slang for being queer and not out. Enid is queer. Enid is subtly coming out to you."

Wednesday is no less aggravated when he finishes speaking then when he has some sly little smirk going. "Did you not just out her to me?"

His eyes widen, and he shakes his head with vigour. A hand is raised like a white flag. "No- she's come out to all of us! Dude, she wears a lesbian flag pin on her jacket."

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