Episode 4: I got a familiar!

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As we see the darrick is getting up from his bed. But he couldn't.

Darrick: (grunt) why can't I get up?

Then he see raynare, his girlfriend, sleeping next to him.

Darrick: what the?!?!

Raynare: huh? (Yawns) morning, my love.

Darrick: what're you doing in my house?! And how in the crap did you get in?!

Raynare was walking towards him by swaying her hips and wrapped her wings around him and her.

Raynare: c'mon darrick. I was Soo lonely without my boyfriend along with me~.

Darrick: but you still didn't answer my question, how'd you get in my house?

Raynare: kalawarner let me in. (She lower her head towards his ear and whispering seductively) I'm just to get jealous of you, honey~. (She blows into his ear.)

Darrick: (blushing) uhh, I gotta go!

Then darrick went to his shower, got dress and wave kalawarner and raynare and went to school. As he was walking he felt something.

Albion: 'you feel it, partner?'

Darrick: 'you bet your dragon ass it is. But it feels familiar, like I feel before.'

Albion: 'whatever it is, it's gone.'

Darrick: 'i wonder what it is.'

Then darrick was running towards the school, but the same fox girl from before when darrick was letting kalawarner to live in his house was watching him from a tree. After that, he arrived. Everyone was the ORC. Akeno was hugging darrick's left arm and koneko was sitting on darrick's lap and eating sweets.

Rias: Glad you guys are already here. I have good news.

Darrick: what's up?

Rias: your flyers days are over now.

Darrick: wait a minute, does that mean we're promoted, rias?

Akeno: yes, you guys are promoted. So that means, you guys don't have to hand out flyers anymore.

Asia: that's great.

Then rias, akeno, kiba and koneko showed their familiars to Darrick, Asia, and Chandler. And darrick saw koneko's familiar.

Koneko: this is shiro, darrick.

Darrick: awww, she's cute. May I pet her?

Koneko: you may.

Then darrick was petting shiro under here chin causing her to purr.

Darrick: so, what time are we going to have me and Chandler's familiar?

Rias: we go tonight. But this is you and Chandler first time to have a familiar.

Chandler: I hope my familiar is going to be awesome.

Darrick: same here, bud. Same here.

Then the doors opened and reveal the student council entering the room. And it was a very tense moment. And you already know what happened.


Everyone was getting ready for the dodgeball against rias's peerage vs sona's peerage. They're out except darrick and saji.

Saji: only one, huh? Mano a Mano.

Darrick threw his ball into the air, charging his fist and say.

Darrick: vanishing dragon shot!

Rise of the white dragon emperor! (highschool DXD x male reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat