"I'll be glad to leave," Steve mutters, already turning around when Natasha grabs hold of his arm.

"Not so fast," she tells him, giving him eyes he has a hard time rejecting as he pulls him back to the group. "Y/N, please. Four days, max. We just need somewhere to hide out until we can scavenger somewhere new, and then we'll be gone."

The newly pressed blonde tilts her head with the same begging eyes she had given you a few years ago, and you slowly start to feel your composure break. Her eyes are wide, and even in the nightly moon you can see the beautiful green you had started to become jealous of.

You cross your arm and throw your head back with a groan, already knowing that the next few days were about to be a living hell for you. Steve alone was a pain in the ass, but with him and Bucky together, you were sure you were going to be stuck in memories you thought you had left behind.

"Four days, that's it." You turn from your spot and walk inside, immediately hugging Natasha once she steps through the door. Sam is next and then Bucky, smiling over her shoulder as Steve is rejected. He hits on the blue barrier and then glares your way, seething from the inside out. "Damn, I forgot," you chuckle, breaking out into a full laugh. "No dicks in the house."

"I swear to God, Y/N," Steve mumbles. "You're being a bitch right now."

"Woah," you choke out, raising from your bent over position. "Someone learned some new language. Too bad it won't get you inside. Nice seeing you-" Just as you're about to shut the door on his face, Natasha pulls it open, giving you a look a mother would to a misbehaving child.

"Let him in, Y/N." She wasn't as disappointed as she was annoyed waiting for you to let in the grumpy man standing outside your door. Her hand falls on her hip, and you only take a few more seconds before you let the barrier go, rolling your eyes as Steve steps in.

It doesn't take him long to wrap his hands around your throat and push you against the nearest wall, face clouding in anger. As strong as you were, you let him believe he had a hold on you, your breath being cut short as he panted.

"Think you're so fucking funny, Y/L/N?" He heaves out, smacking your head on the wall behind you. "Tony should've let you die that night, maybe it would be better for all of us-"

Suddenly, he's on the floor with both of his arms dislocated, cries of pain coming from his lips as you take a single step towards him. No one was moving, not even Bucky as Steve contained the sounds of pain you were inflicting on him.

"Yeah, Steve?" You crouch down to his face, your hand only minimizing the strength you use to keep him down. "Should've let me die that night, so what? So I wouldn't be strong enough to pull your muscles apart, or go in and save that girl you thought was hot enough to fuck when you knew damn well what she did to me? How much do you want me to die now that I'm helping you, after you called me a bitch, or told me to 'deal with it'? Think again on where you are before you start threatening me, because you're not America's golden boy anymore, Rogers. You're America's most wanted fugitive, and you just walked right into my home."

Releasing him finally, you walk past Sam and Bucky, who move out of your way. You don't look back as Steve's groans emitt from behind you, only walking forward and up the stairs.

As much as you wanted to forget everything, it comes rushing back. Every word, action, and eventually the events leading up to where you are now filling your brain with blind rage as you shove everything off your desk with a sob. You wanted to reject ever letting them into your house now, even though you've missed Sam and Nat.

Looking right at Bucky, you can't help but feel bad for him. He's friends with the world's largest unloyal man, and you know he probably doesn't even know half the story everyone else does. Steve was like that. He was douchebag who let the fame corrupt him. An asshole who used his strength to almost kill you instead of protecting you like he promised he would on the first day being an agent for the Avengers.

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