Catch your Crush

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Legolas disabled last name Function.

Legolas: okay, here's what we're gonna do:
Legolas: we get in our cars and drive to pippins, and park some way off.
Legolas: I'll explain the rest of the plan on the way.

Boromir: right, provided that our parents don't catch us

Legolas: my dads are on a musical date and the others won't snitch, so I'm fine, might actually ask Tauriel to come too, we could use extra help
Legolas: hold on, Imma add her, you'll just have to be quiet.
Legolas: go slowly, don't tip-toe and move close to walls, makes you quieter

Boromir: ok, add your sister while I get down, I have a longer way anyway

Legolas: k

Legolas added Tauriel

Tauriel: the fuck?

Legolas: the four of them are high again, we need your help

Tauriel: again?
Tauriel: wait, we?

Legolas: Boromir is helping us, you might have seen him, stupidly tall, pretty muscular, shoulder length hair, always tired but does sports, I think y'all have PE together

Boromir: that was scarily accurate

Legolas: you made it?

Boromir: duh, so we have PE together?

Tauriel: yeah I'm the red head who punched a guy for commenting on my ass

Boromir: oh yeah, I remember that, he was a dick

Tauriel: no kidding, should have punched him there
Tauriel: also are you texting while driving

Boromir: Siri is typing
Boromir: now what's the plan?

Legolas: We park someway off, you and I go grab Aragorn and Gimli and hoist them to the car, we'll have to be quick tho, I've done this so many times, they realise what's happening even tho they're stoned
Legolas: then we have to go back and get the short ones while one of you babysits the other two
Legolas: I'd rather not let them destroy Dads car

Boromir: I thought your dads are on a date?

Legolas: they are, we have two cars, one belongs to Ada, one to Dad

Boromir: so let me get this straight, we're using the MAYORS car to basically kidnap four minors who are completely high, so it's both us and them doing illegal shit?

Legolas: that's about right, except since they're at pippins we'll just drag him straight inside

Boromir: won't Merry and Pippin run off while we get the other two to the car?

Legolas: carry Ara bridle style, I do the same with carrot-top, they'll think we're taking them on dates

Boromir: the fuck?

Tauriel: it works
Tauriel: besides, you'd make a cute couple

Legolas: which one of us are you talking to

Tauriel: yes

Boromir: what, no! We're not like that, I don't even like Aragorn
Boromir: fuck that came out wrong
Boromir: I do like him just not like that

Legolas: right

Tauriel: you're one to talk

Legolas: the hell is that supposed to mean

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