Chapter 10: Arguments

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I sat in the Slytherin common room when a 7th year named James Avery came over to me. "Black." he said, a touch of irritation in his voice. "Avery." I replied emotionlessly. "I need to have a word with you." he said. "You're having one now, aren't you?" I replied snarkily. "I meant outside." Avery said through gritted teeth. I raised one eyebrow at him, and he glowered at me. "Compromise. We have a word here." I suggested. Avery grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the common room, stopping just outside it. I jerked my arm away and gave him a death stare. "I've seen you hanging around that Y/N! She could be a mudblood for all you know!" Avery yelled. "She's not!" I shouted back, feeling my blood boil. "How do you know?" He fired back. "No one knows anyone about her." I lowered my voice. "I do." I told him. "Prove it then." Avery said coldly. "No, I won't." I said. "I promised I wouldn't tell." A smile graced his lips. "She probably is a mudblood then." He said. I couldn't handle it anymore. I slapped him. Hard. He stared at me for a few seconds before punching me. It turned into a full-on fist fight before Evan went out of the common room and found us. He pulled us apart and dragged me to the Hospital Wing. I had a broken nose and he had punched me in the stomach hard, so I wouldn't be surprised if I'd start coughing up blood.

Ⓨ/Ⓝ'ⓢ Ⓟⓞⓥ
I was about to go take a walk on school grounds when I saw Regulus and Evan walking in the direction of the Hospital Wing. Regulus had a broken nose and was walking slightly hunched over. I raced over. "Reg, what happened?" I asked. "Nothing." He said and started coughing. "Reg, it's obvious something happened. Please talk to me." I pleaded. When he didn't answer, Evan jumped in. "He got into a fist fight with a seventh year." He said. Regulus glared at him. "Reg..." I began. "He was saying you were a muggleborn." Regulus said. "Aren't you?" Evan asked before I could say anything. I shook my head. "I'm a pureblood." I said quietly. "Really? I always assumed you didn't tell people your last name because of the war and everything." Evan said. "No its-" I began, but Regulus cut over me. "You don't have to tell him." He said. "I know. But I want to. He's your friend." I said. "Just don't tell anyone." Regulus warned him. "I won't." Evan promised. "Ok... my last name is....L/N." I said. "As in...." Evan trailed off. I nodded. "Dang, that's dark. I get why you're so overprotective over her now." Evan said to Regulus. Reg nodded. "Ok, enough of this. We need to get you to the Hospital Wing." I said, turning to Reg. "You didn't have to do that for me. Let people believe what they want." I said to Regulus as we started walking. "No." Regulus said. "You never know who's working for the Dark Lord." I stopped and turned to the boys. "Are either of you?" I asked them. "No, but my parents aren't against it." Evan said with slight fear in his eyes. "And you, Reg?" I asked, my voice softening, to show him I wouldn't judge. "Not yet." He said quietly, and his voice quivered. I hugged him and he burrowed his face in my robes. "It'll be okay." I whispered and we both pulled away.

I couldn't believe my luck at having two great friends like Evan and Y/N. Evan was so understanding and accepting about Y/N, and Y/N was the kindest person I had ever met. After she and Evan brought me to the Hospital Wing, she made sure I was ok and left to go to her other group of friends. Evan stayed with me while Madame Pomfrey cleaned me up, and then I left to find Y/N again.

Ⓨ/Ⓝ'ⓢ Ⓟⓞⓥ
After making sure Regulus was ok in the Hospital Wing, I went to the Gryffindor Common Room to find the other boys. I found them by the fireplace, talking and having fun. "Hi boys." I said, sitting down on the floor and leaning my back against the armchair Sirius was in. "Blimey, Y/N, where were you?" James asked. Before I could answer, Sirius jumped in grumpily. "She was probably with my brother." I rolled my eyes. "As a matter of fact, I was." I said. "You're always spending time with him." Sirius complained. "I am not." I defended. "You do spend a lot of time with him." Remus said. "Not all of my time though." I pointed out. "Do you like him?" James asked me. "Yeah, obviously, he's one of my best friends." I said. "No, not in that way." James said. "Oh." I said, my cheeks reddening. "You do, don't you?" Sirius asked sadly. "I don't." I assured him. Remus mouthed Oblivious to James, who nodded. "Oi, I saw that." I growled. "It's true though." James insisted. "You like him and he likes you. Just realise it and get together already." Remus added. "Or don't." Sirius grumbled under his breath. "If you two don't stop, I'll hex you both." I said, pointing my wand at James and Remus. Then Lily came running over. "Hi Y/N!" She said excitedly. "Hi Lily." I said to her. "Regulus is waiting for you outside the portrait." She said. A smile appeared on my lips and I jumped up. "See you later boys." I said and left them to their muttering. I found Regulus waiting for me outside the Gryffindor Common Room, just like Lily said. "Hi Reg." I said. "Hi N/N." He answered. "Let's take a walk." I suggested. He nodded. We walked out to the Black Lake. I lay down on the grass, and Reg followed my lead. We lay in silence for a bit and then Regulus turned to his side. I turned to face him. "I don't know what I'd do without you." He said, looking in my eyes. "Me neither." I said, and looked back into his eyes. They were grey, like Sirius's, but while Sirius's eyes had a reckless fire in them, Regulus's eyes were gentle and calm. I looked away then and stood up. "Where are you going?" Regulus asked, standing up too. "We're going to walk around." I said taking his hand. A strange sensation started where our hands connected and travelled up my arm, filling my body with a peculiar warmth. But it felt nice. We walked in silence and the we got to a quiet, secluded place. We looked at each other, and there was a kind of tension in the air, that usually wasn't there. My gaze travelled to his light pink lips, and he licked them, almost self conscious. Then he leaned and our lips connected. The kiss felt better than I could ever imagine. And to think I was sharing it with my best friend. Then we both pulled away. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Reg asked. I nodded with a smile, and we kissed once more, before heading back up to the castle.

Ohh they just kissed. I struggled a little writing that scene cause I didn't know how to describe it.

Forever (a Regulus Black story) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora