what are they?

5 0 0

Hello. If you're reading this, you've made it to Day II. Unless you've read ahead, which I do not advise. You've already met the Library. Don't be scared, as I said before, the Library is an ally. The lights have flicked on, which starts your ten hour day. You'll need to learn this new skill, you'll need it later on. I advise you tear out the next page for reference, this skill is not easily learned.
How to speak in Morse code:

Morse code is an important skill you should learn to survive here

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Morse code is an important skill you should learn to survive here. Others have left coded messages on the walls, and it is crucial that you decipher them if you find said messages. That being said, decode this sentence:

-  ....  . / .-..  .. -...  .-.  .-  .-.  -.-- / ..  ... / -.--  ---  ..-  .-. / ---  -.  .-..  -.-- / .-  .-..  .-..  -.--  .-.-.-

Don't decode it now. Read it when you're done reading this page.
I don't have much time left to write. I can hear the beasts getting closer. They'll be to your right when you've finished this page. From what I remember, you have just enough time to decode the Morse code. Don't forget the blindfold. -X
I looked back at the sentence X had written. One by one, I started decoding it.
"The Library is your only ally".
Simple sentence for starters.
I heard one of the beasts roar to my right. I took the blindfold I had shoved in my pocket and hurriedly tied it around my eyes and ran to the left. The same thumping footsteps from yesterday trailed behind me as I ran, not knowing where I was headed.
I ran headfirst into a bookshelf, falling in front of it as the loose knot of my blindfold came undone, falling somewhere on the carpet.
I closed my eyes, feeling around for the fabric as the footsteps got louder.
I, panicking, rubbed the carpet once again and felt the blindfold on the floor, grabbing it and fumbling to tie it again. The footsteps slowed and came to a stop, and I felt breathing down my neck. The beast was behind me.
It roared loudly, and I prepared for my meaningless life to end right there.
The sounds of swords unsheathing filled the air. The monster growled again as slashing sounds occured, then it howled in pain and there was a lound thump.
"Sunt nostrum alias. Occidis me nihil facit, venient, et carnem tuam infirmam humanam per partes dilacerant." The monster spoke. I had no idea what language it was in, but I could tell by the heavy breathing and constant wheezing that it was dying.
"Tuum genus numero valere potest, quanquam Bibliothecae servi sumus.  Illa te et genus tuum mortuum vult, sic para iram nostram." A male voice replied, sounding confident.
Another slice was made. I held my head and leaned the front of my body on the empty shelf. I didn't realise I was shaking until now.
"Salve? Esne bene?" A hand fell on my shoulder, and the voice sounded like a woman's.
"I don't understand you." My voice was quivering as I held onto a fistful of my hair, like I was falling fromn a cliff.
"My apologies. Most of us speak Latin, so ae don't use English often." I heard the woman sit down next to me, her hand still on my shoulder.
"What do you mean, "most of us"?" I asked, turning to look at her. My vision was obstructed by the blindfold, but I could see the outline of her body. She was unnaturally thin, and her hair was up in a bun. The most interesting part was the glowing sword she had in her left hand, and the fact that she was wearing blacked out goggles.
"Matheo! Come, this person needs tending to." The woman yelled, standing up.
", Salvatrix. ¿Quién es esta persona?" "Matheo" responded. That language I knew, it was Spanish. Although I didn't know exactly what he was saying, it was something along the lines of "Who's this person?".
"No lo sabemos  La vi correr antes de que vieras a la bestia." The one Matheo called "Salvatrix" responded.
"English, please." I managed to squeak out. My voice was weak.
"We should speak the language this fellow understands." Salvatrix spoke.
I turned around and faced the both of them. Again, my vision wasn't perfect- blindfold- but I could make out Matheo's body shape. He was tall and slender, and his hair drooped down his shoulders like a hijab.
"Who exactly are they?" Matheo sheathed his sword and I suspect Salvatrix did the same.
"Haven't asked." Salvatrix kneeled down in front of me, holding her hand up to my left cheek and letting my head rest in it.
"Can you tell us who you are?" She asked.
I didn't know I would've gotten tired that fast.
"I don't know." I mumbled, my head getting used to the warmth of her palm.
"Salvatrix. They're about to pass out. Carry them." I heard Matheo say before I blacked out.

I woke up to laying on the carpet. My blindfold was off and so were the lights. The Library's blue orb floated above me.
"Ah, you're awake!" It said.
The light got brighter and I saw Salvatrix and Matheo sleeping on either sides of me.
I looked between me and Matheo and saw the sketchbook and my blindfold laying on the floor. I don't remember how I got here, but I was with the only two people I had found.
Salvatrix stirred awake, and we stared at eachother in the eyes. Her eyes were bright yellow, and her hair was a darker shade of orange. It was sprawled across the carpet, due to none of us having pillows.
She held a finger up to her mouth and turned the other way.
"It's best if you sleep now, darling. You've got another day ahead of you." The Library said as I turned around and slowly drifted back to sleep, one hand atop both the sketchbook and the blindfold on top of it.

The Endजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें