14. Discarded Jewels

Start from the beginning

Just like Althea doesn't deserve to be stuck wherever she is...

"Well, brother, you look like a rich man to me." he hummed, "Shall I pack it up for you? I'm sure your wife would like it." he smiled as he began taking out a small wooden box.

I didn't know what Althea was going through, but my dream was a clear sign that Medisa wanted me to save her. The jewel in my hand looked like she was staring right at me, pleading for help.

"This doesn't look like a Romanowskian jewel to me," I controlled my urge to just strangle the man with questions and asked gently, instead.

"Yes, that's what I think too." he stared at the necklace. "I guess it's a foreign stone."

"Who did you trade it with?"

"A man just like you," he shrugged as he eyed my appearance, "covering his face and all. I was suspicious if I was buying fake jewels from him, but I had it checked by the goldsmith, and it's all good." he laughed.

When I just stared at the necklace, he continued. "Oh, brother, you don't know about our King." he looked around and then whispered. "His Honour, Julian Romanowski, doesn't tolerate selling fake items. Lord knows what happened to that Erasten Giles, who was caught selling them." He trembled, shaking his head.

A brief smile came to me, hidden behind my mantle. "I hope the King would be proud of your honesty," I praised as he puffed up with pride. "Can you tell me more about this man who sold it to you?" I asked.

"Oh, what's the need?" Now it irritated him. "Just tell me if you want to buy it or not? Else, I'll keep it back and try to sell it some other day." he huffed, putting the pieces of jewellery out on display, back into a bag. "I am getting late for lunch as well. Please decide fast, brother, and don't ask questions."

"How about you have lunch in the palace of Romanos today?"

He looked at me, eyes widened. "What? I won't sell it at a lesser price even if you try to bribe me with such offers." He snickered, shaking his head.

"I mean it, gentleman." I was in no mood to continue as I took off my cover. It was already a work not to scare this man into oblivion. He only had to tell me, word to word, about who sold him the jewel, have a nice lunch at the palace as a reward, and leave without uttering a word to a soul.

Blood drained from his face as he stood aghast. His eyes dare not look into mine. I sighed when I heard him hiccup, controlling a teary sob from his throat.

"I gifted this to a very important woman of my palace." I shook the necklace in front of his face.

That seemed to break his paralysis. "M- M- My L- Lord, y- you have eve- every right to p- punish me," he was shaking so hard as he sobbed, and fell on my feet. "I- I have d- done great w- wrong, my L- Lord, p- please leave my f- family. I- I'll do w- whatever you, you ask of m- me."

I shook my head as I held his shoulders to make him stand back. "You are an honest citizen of my kingdom," I kept an assuring hand. "Truth is what I admire, and you've been truthful to me so far." I could read men like him at a glance. God fearing, who didn't cheat. If he was evil, he wouldn't have so easily shown me the necklace and blabbered about its seller.

Covering my face, I ushered him back inside his shop. "You've been a saviour of this jewel I hold so dear to myself. And lunch at the palace is just a small reward," I explained, putting the jewel in the wooden box to tuck it in my robes. If he was compliant enough with the interrogation, I might as well throw some money in his bag. "You only need to truthfully tell me whatever transpired between you and the seller. Can I expect that?"

"Yes, yes, your Honour." he bowed, as he wiped his tears. "I- I'll do everything that you say, y- your Honour."

I called two of my plain-clothed guards to discreetly take the shop owner to the palace. I just needed to make sure Althea was safe, then I could go back to my search for a woman who was... even a little, like her.

"Your Honour, our spies at the western border of Romanos have been missing for a while," One of the men informed me, who looked like an ordinary customer, but was my spy indeed.

"The one near the harbour?" I questioned as I ambled back to my horse.

"Yes, your Honour. Two of them have sent messages through air that the other two are stuck at the site."

"They are doing their work." I hummed. "That region is beyond Romanos, so we don't have enough power there. I hope they send some information soon." I mounted my horse. "And what had you said the earlier day? The place belonged to a cult?"

"Yes. It's operating underground, is all the spies could inform us."

"What's the associated deity of the cult?"

"The Eye of Ra, your Honour."

I nodded, pulling at the reins as he bowed and left. Though Ra was an Egyptian deity, the words cult and eye triggered something within me.

It reminded me of that deranged woman Jasmirah and the fucked up things she was up to.

The last time I saw her was years ago. I could only make out how much more vicious she would've become in the following years. Makes me wonder if I made a mistake forgiving her life...

As I reached my palace, finalising another visit to Alexandria to check Althea's whereabouts, I saw the warriors, all lying in a heap, tired out of their wits.

My teeth gritted together. If only I was here that night when that bastard came as smoothly as he went away with my book.

Dastan fucking Ahmad. If I got my hands on this man, I was going to shred him alive.

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