Chapter 7

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We walk into an empty room where it is just me and kurogiri. It's kind of weird. But anyway, back to the matter in hand.
" I think we were regognised in the store."
" What?!" he exclaimed.
" By those UA kids." I told him, he looked worried, I'd never seen him look this scared in his life.
" Alright," He said " Come on, get everyone here, we're going on a mission."
" Where to?" I ask
" UA dorms, tonight." I mean, I'm not complaining. We've been stuck in this dingy bar for about 2 weeks. It's been hideous, with Toga nagging me to allow to go on a mission and having to control dabi to not burn down the place.
" Alright it's settled than, UA tonight." We gathered everyone in the main circle of the LOV and  told them the gameplan. A roar of approval filled the room and it put a small smile on my face. Before we knew it it was time to get on our way. All of us villains in our costumes and weapons being wielded in our hands, apart from me, as I needed none. Kurogiri opened the warp gate and we stepped through.

The unexpected mission was a shock to all of us. As he'd been denying the request for about two weeks we'd been super exited about leaving this dump.
As we all quietly stepped throng the gate a light shine through the window and we hid behind a bush. Laughter came from inside the dorm. We didn't know whether Aizawa would be inside. We did take a guess that he was, we were right. When the laughter died down, we made our way to the door. Locked as expected.
" Hey handy," I said. I have many nicknames for him, most of them including the word hand.
" What patchwork?" he said to me.
" Can you'd decay this lock?"
" If you insist." he mumbled.
All five fingers wrapped them selves around the lock and it decayed and fell into a pile of dust. " Game time." he said

Opposites Attract ~shigadabi~❤️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن