She turns a bit red and again says "I don't know..."

She smiles to herself recalling how he had grabbed something to cover her up and helped wrap it around her without looking. It gets quiet again.

She looks down and notes how her body looks the same as it did before she entered the seal.

"How old are you?" she decides to ask.


Shin's mouth opens for a moment before quickly shutting back.


".. Nothing"

She smiles "You were going to ask how old I was, weren't you?"

He says nothing but places a hand to the back of his head.

"I'm 17 too" she decides to just go with that as she doesn't know how long she was in the seal for and doesn't want to freak him out since she looks 17. She thinks for a moment then has an idea.

"Where are we?" She took notice of the scenery when he brought her inside. It was a small house down a long road, windmills turned in the distance and a large tree hung over from the back yard.

He gives a small tilt of his head "Ayanagi City"

She didn't mean to, but her face conveyed her confusion since she had never heard of it. She hopes maybe he didn't notice.

He did.

"Do you know where that is?"

She goes silent. She sees the concern growing in his eyes.

She stands up. As much as she doesn't want to ask, she can't help but know "What year is it?"


This time her surprise was even greater, she had been in the seal for 10 years!

The shock makes her almost faint; she falls forward, but Shin reacts in time and catches her before placing her back down gently on the couch.

"How much do you remember?"

She goes silent.

"Do you know where you live?"


"Maybe you have amnesia?"

She blanks. Still saying nothing.

"That's ok, I will give you time to think"


"Rest, you can stay here tonight"

"Do you live alone?"

"I live with my younger and older brother"

"Will they mind me being here?"

He shakes his head "I will talk to them"

She once again smiles "Thank you"

He goes to walk out of the room but stops just at the door and says "If you want, you can stay in my room, and I'll take the couch"

"You don't have to do that"

"I will have to wait for them to wake up anyway" he pauses then adds "Maybe it isn't best they see you on the couch naked in a blanket, I'm not sure what they would say"

She turns red again and says "yeah...that probably wouldn't be the best thing" as she quickly puts together what it would look like.

She shivers more, seeing this Shin says "Follow me, I will take you to the room. Sorry we don't really have any girl's clothes around that would fit you"

She turns and sees his red jacket he placed down earlier and asks, "Can I use that?"

He puts a hand to the back of his neck and says "S-Sure"


He turns while she takes off the blanket and puts on his jacket

"I'm ready" she says, and he turns to see her in the jacket and notes how her auburn hair and red eyes perfectly blend together with the red of the jacket bringing out her features further, then quickly looks away after a few seconds.

"R-Right this way"

She giggles a bit.

He leads her up to the room and as they walk in, she immediately sees all his clay sculptures "Wow!" She goes to look and says, "You're an artist!"

She starts looking at them and takes in how unique and detailed they are.

"How did you come up with them?"

"I see them in my dreams" he says

She spots his sketchbook and begins flipping through it, they were amazing, though there is one that especially stands out to her. It looks like a knight carrying a big sword and it has what looks like long hair coming out from the back of the helmet. She looks at it a little longer then puts it down as she stretches and yawns.

"I'm going to go to sleep" she says

"Ok, goodnight"

He goes to leave but she says "...Shin"

He turns to face her but before he can say anything she hugs him tightly. It catches him off guard, but he slowly hugs her back. She then breaks the hug her face close to his, as she looks him in the eyes.

"Thank you"

"...You're Welcome" he manages to say.

She then goes to bed, and he closes the door heading back downstairs. His heart is racing. He reaches the couch and starts thinking of how he will explain her to his brothers. He decides to step outside for a while first, he has one more thing he needs to find out. He grabs the trash bag and throws it out before jogging off into the cold winter night.

Kotone soon gets comfy in Shin's bed and sleep takes her over not long after.

An unknown time later, a familiar piano sounds in the stillness of a dark space followed by the echoing vocals. The view comes slowly into focus, and it can be made out that a figure is sitting at a desk. His bald head, bloodshot bulging eyes, and long nose could not possibly be mistaken. This is Igor. And this is the velvet room.

"Welcome back, dear guest, it really has been a while, hasn't it?" his voice carries throughout the room.

"Huh...Igor?" she speaks finally finding her voice.

"You have been asleep for quite some time, but now you have been awakened. For what, you might ask? A new journey of course"

She remains quiet.

"You truly hold a unique gift; The Wild Card is a power few can wield. Your bonds over your last journey have unlocked its true potential, and while it still remains it has since grown dormant and as such you may struggle initially in calling forth its power but worry not it will return to you"

The room now lights up, the walls and floors are a darker blue color then she last remembers and there are these strange white things floating around, they almost look like feathers but aren't any she has ever seen before.

"You will be going on a new mission, and like the last you won't be alone. More threats are rising as well as ones from the past that are resurfacing. The time will come when all will be revealed. For right now I will send you back to where you belong. But just know this, I have already met with that boy"

Surprise now covers her face, but before she can begin to think about it long, she awakens. She now has one question looming in her mind. Shin has a persona?

Persona Trinity SealTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang