Chapter 13: The Wrath of Hell.

Start from the beginning

Grunting, he stood up and looked at the pile of broken trees and limbs. Seeing the hand twitch, he coiled his bankai around him, waiting for the next attack. Hearing a scream to his right, he looked up, his blood going cold at the sight of Rukia's falling body.

"RUKIA!" he yelled in surprise, missing the hand shot straight at him, forming into a fist and smashing clean through his bankai, sending the segments everywhere, before crashing into his torso once again. He screamed as he felt a few ribs break this time, while he coughed up a mouthful of blood. Lying flat on the ground, he could see the unknown figure yank his hand back on an invisible chain, sending Uryu into the ground near him.


As Uryu dodged yet another blast, his lips curled up in disgust. Now he had nothing against love, whether heterosexual or homosexual, but the fact that the little fat man in front of him was spitting out heart shaped attacks, left him feeling somewhat uncomfortable.

"Licht Wind" he shouted and released a volley of arrows at his opponent. As they neared the man though, a pair of lips and mouth opened in his stomach and absorbed the attack once again. Cursing, he leapt to the side just as another blast rocketed past him.

"You know your attacks are useless against me, so why do you bother using them?" Taikon asked in a high pitched voice, spinning on the spot like a ballerina. The sight made Uryu want to retch as the man's flabby skin rippled with each movement. "You're just not very smart are you?" his opponent continued, unaware of his discomfort.

"I wouldn't put it that away…" Uryu trailed off, turning his attention away at the brief scream he heard to his left. Seeing Rukia and Rangiku fall from the sky, he locked his gaze on their new enemy, taking in his black striped white robes and black headdress that hid his face with the exception of his left eye and mouth from view. Tensing as the man looked at him, he grew confused when he held out his hand toward him and pulled. Caught unaware, Uryu felt a rough tug on his left leg, his eyes widening at the faint chain that was wrapped around it. Before he could make any attempt to cut it off, he was swung brutally into the ground, his body leaving a crater from the incredible force. Sparing the man one last glance, he was dimly aware of a portal the shape of an eye, with blue flames bordering it and a swirling red storm within it, before there was a high pitched whistle and his vision went blank.


As Rukia leapt back from a tentacle that was about to impale her stomach, she watched as Rangiku yet again used her ashes to shield her from the blow.

'Dammit I can't get close enough to cut Yuzu free of him without him pushing me back, nor can I use my zanpakuto to freeze him in place while he has Yuzu in his grip,' she thought with a grimace, watching as Rangiku charged in once again. As their attacks met, sparks shot off from the point of contact, neither finding any advantage over the over.

"Big man to be attacking a little girl, aren't you?" Rangiku taunted him, hoping to unsettle him if only just a little.

"I'm a Sinner of Hell Miss, what makes you think that I care what you think of me," he taunted back, sending what was his right arm at her, along with three tentacles that sprouted from his chest.

"Haineko!" she shouted, the shield of ash forming in front of her and deflecting the attack. "Anytime you're ready now Rukia!"

"Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six! Bakudo no. 61 Rikujokoro!" Rukia chanted, pointing at Gunjo. A flash of light from her fingertips shot at him, pinning the Sinner in place as six rods slammed into his torso.

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