
Sam could swear that life was just trying to screw him over. He needed some cash for the club he was getting dragged too, so he stopped at an ATM on his way there. It just so happened to be the ATM that was robbed seconds later, the usual red Spidey blur going over his head before landing outside the door.


Sam froze, peering through the glass doors to the bank, which was obviously being robbed. 

Spiderman had already gone inside building by the time Sam had gotten his camera out, walking carefully over to the windows inside and trying to get a good angle. The men were armed, Spiderman barely avoiding most of their shots. 

He made his way to the doors, which had been blasted and were now shattered on the floor. Sam crawled over to the wall and found some good angles, snapping a few pictures until Spiderman was thrown to the ground, hitting it forcefully and his eyes met Sams.

Sam got up but was thrown to the wall with a web. The robbers still hadn't noticed him, and he was forced to watch as they all surrounded Spiderman. Sam struggled against the web, but it was no use.

Finally, one of the men flew back, entire body shaking from a shock.

The next man hit the wall to Sam's left, crumpling to the ground. Spiderman was up once again, using web to throw one of the unconscious men at another and started chasing another one that had fled the scene.

Sam was grateful to have his hands free, and his camera looked unharmed from where is sat on the ground next to him. He saw the lights from the police cars going into the building and sighed. 

He put his hands up as the officers flooded the area, guns raised and faces stern. The shouted a few things and as Sam was about to tell them about his amazing deafness, Officer Michaels had them all stand down.

'Hey Sam. Trouble really does seem to follow you huh?"

"You're telling me." He said, happy to sign along. 

Another Officer he didn't recognize came over, face showing obvious dislike.

Officer Michaels shook his head. 'He asked if you are involved in the robbery at all.

Sam turned to officer. 

"Officer, I assure you I am not someone you need to worry about here. I just have an overprotective boyfriend and a needy job."

He pointed to the camera on the ground.

"I get paid to get action shots of Spiderman. Good money."

The officer seemed displeased as he went through the pictures of the fight.

'You're good to go, well, obviously when you get unwebbed.'


He only had to wait a short time for Spiderman to show up, letting him down and following him out onto the street. Sam tried to leave be Spiderman shook his head, grabbing Sam and swinging down the street, landing in a random alley. He pulled off the mask leaving Sam preparing himself for lecture.

'What were you thinking. You had too of seen the guys. They were heavily armed, what if they had noticed you before I did or if I hadn't been able to take care of them. That was really risky and just for your job Sam. I could hardly take care of them.'

'Exactly. You were hurt, and I needed to make sure you were okay and imagine you hadn't been able to take care of them. I would have been stuck watching you get beat or killed. And my job pays my rent and for my food and sometimes for my classes.'

'But I might of had to watch you die too. You could have gotten hurt.'

'And you did.' Sam lifted Grizz's left arm, a large gash across his bicep. He didn't even want to mention the different cuts across his face, the obvious broken rib or bleeding thigh. Grizz would heal in a day or two and be out watching by tomorrow.

Grizz just pulled Sam close into a tight hug. Sam wrapped his arms around him, clenching onto the suit.

"I can't lose you." He whispered.

Grizz sighed, pulling away.

'Can we just stop at your place tonight. I have the internship early tomorrow.'

'Of course you do.'

He held onto Grizz, holding his breath as he swung through the streets and towards Sam's apartment. He let Sam in first before following, letting the pain showing on face as he collapsed on the bed.

"I'll get the first aid."

Sam went to the bathroom, finding a heavily stocked first aid for nights like these which came more often than he wished. 

When he returned Grizz was sitting on the edge of the bed, shirtless with a pair of sweatpants on.

'Thanks love.' 

Sam only pressed a kiss to his forehead before starting to care for the many injuries. 

"I'll just clean the cuts; I'm going to wrap your rib cage to make sure nothing moves, and I think I'm going to have to stitch up your arm. I know you have the whole magic healing but It's pretty deep. Of course, we could go to Kelly who just happens to be a med student, but you'll have to deal with me."

'You're a nice nurse. Most nurses won't include free make out sessions.' Grizz said with a smirk.

Sam shook his head and continued his cleaning of wounds. He only wrapped his arm for the moment, seeing if it would heal enough to avoid stitches.

"Alright, pants off, I saw your thigh."

'Don't you think this is going a little fast, I mean we haven't even had dinner yet' Grizz signed as he stood, pulling sweats to his knees and sitting back down as Sam inspected the cut.

"I'm just going to wrap it."

Grizz nodded and hissed a bit as Sam cleaned it before placing gauze over it, wrapping it afterward. Once Grizz pulled his pants back up Sam looked at his arm again.

"I think you can manage with a tight wrap. Maybe a couple of the sticky stitches instead."

'You're so kind.' Grizz laughed. 

'Damn right.'

Once he was finished, they both settled into bed. Sam had texted long before, happy to avoid the clubbing.

Grizz tapped his shoulder, causing him to pull away from his spot cuddled into Grizz's chest.

'I'm sorry.'

Sam shakes his head.

"Don't be. You just want me safe."

'And you want me safe which is kind of hard in my line of work.'

"You want the world to be safe. I think I'm lucky."

Grizz smiled.

'You know, if you moved into my place you wouldn't have to put yourself in the riskiest situations anymore because you need to pay rent.'

Sam was shocked at the proposal, but not entirely against it.

"Isn't it a bit early."

'I mean Kelly and Becca only took like three weeks. We've been dating for four months, known each other for like three years.'

Sam stared into the boys face. It didn't have the same youthfulness it did in high school. He had the same stupid haircut that Sam loved anyway, the perfect length for a tiny little bun when he was working out or attempting to cook on a night off. HIs eyes the perfect hazel currently filled with love.

"I'll think about it."

Grizz laughed lightly because they both knew that was a yes. He pressed a firm kiss to Sam's lips and smiled as he pulled away.

'I love you.'

'I love you too.'

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