Chapter 7: The Girl and her Mobsmen

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She nips at her bottom lip, head swimming with different professional adjectives to replace her unwarranted and invasive thought, all up until her brother speaks again.

"So," He says, "Why're we hiring a kid to work for us, anyway?" Evie sighs, secretly thanking her brother but also annoyed that he doesn't know who they are going to meet or why.

"Don't even think I can trust one after that little bastard lifted me. Remember her? Robbed me as soon as we stepped foot in London." She rolls her eyes but smiles when she recalls her brother taking off after the child. Didn't even catch her. Got himself into a brawl instead. Her brother truly is a proper stirrer.

"We need extra eyes and ears in the city. Clara and her children are perfect for the job and she's against Starrick's company so she will have no problem with our agenda." She explains while calmly moving through another lane, "She lives on the outskirts of London. We should be there soon."

"Christ!" Jacob yells, holding on to the hanging handle above him as Evie unexpectedly swerves between another set of cars to reach the exit, "Isn't this Greenie's car?"

"It'll get back to him in one piece." She answers with a light smirk, reaching her hand out to turn on the radio. Jacob groans when he hears what she puts on.

"Classical? Really?"

"It wouldn't hurt for you to be more cultural, brotha."

The twenty minutes it took to get to their destination was short but to Jacob, it dragged by. With his sister's choice of music and her feeling like she had to brief him on every little detail regarding the twerp, it would surprise few at his urge to open the passenger door and roll out of there. He compensated by poking fun, rolling his eyes, and acting as if this meant very little to him. Evie, in turn, rolls her eyes as well but proceeds. Even though it may fall on deaf ears, she can find solace in explaining the circumstances to him once more.

His groaning didn't cease until they made it to their destination, however, but once she parked the vehicle and turned off the engine he was back to his complaints.

"Where the hell are we?" He says while getting out of the car and pulling up his hood to keep the rain from wetting his hair, "An old junkyard. Ugh! It smells like a trash heap."

"I wonder why," Evie jests, lifting her hood the same as her brother's. She said it jokingly, mocking Jacob for exaggerating, but she eats her words once the smell hits her nose She puts a gloved finger to her nose to replace the repugnance with the scent of her clothes detergent. Unfortunately, that fails and she sighs as she shuts the car door, "This is where he said to meet her." She walks toward a gate that lines the front premises from end to end but groans when seeing they're sealed by chains and a padlock. She takes the lock in her hand, stepping back as her eyes rake their destination.

The garbage has done a number on the land. It almost seems dead. Black and gray all over. Even the clouds above it look darker. The only splashes of color come from a few straws of grass peeking through the mud here and there but even they are droopy.

"Well, no one seems to be here, so," Jacob slaps his hands on his hips, breaking his sister's concentration, "We should go."

"Don't be ridiculous."

"'Ridiculous?'" Jacob practically whines as his sister continues to look around, "Your boyfriend has us out in the rain chasing geese," He scoffs, "I know that's your favorite pastime but I have better things to do–" Evie shushes him, freezing in place as her eyes catch something past the gate in the distance, "Don't shush me. We aren't five–"

"Jacob!" She hisses while turning to glare at him, raising a finger to her lips. He pauses, mouth closing to press his lips together in annoyance. When her finger moves to point to something inside, he quickly ducks his head and makes his way over to her. He looks where she's pointing and does just in time to see something. More like someone. A little someone. They were running away from them, away and around a huge pile of garbage that towered above all.

Templar's in London: A Syndicate in NeedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora