Chapter 5: Alone Time

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"Yeah! So are you free Saturday night, Keiji?"

There is no parallel universe in which Akaashi Keiji would not make himself free on Saturday night.

"Yes, of course."

"Cool! I'll text you with details. Making dinner now but wanted to tell you as soon as I found out. Can't wait to see you tomorrow, Keiji."

"I can't wait either," he says, truthfully.


On Saturday at around lunchtime, Akaashi is anxiously turning to the door of the bookstore every time the overhead bell rings. He is so relieved and /giddy/ when Bokuto comes in with Sachiko that he feels a little faint. It's only a matter of hours now.

Instead of streaking by the counter on the way to the children's section, Sachi stops to say hi to Akaashi.

And then she runs off.

Bokuto watches her and chuckles. "Hey, Keiji," Bokuto says, almost shyly. "Are you ready for tonight?"

Fuck yes, Akaashi thinks, but answers, "Yes, I'm looking forward to it."

Understatement of the century.

"I'll bring food and be at your place around eight? That okay?"

"Perfect," Akaashi answers.

"Gotta go," Bokuto says with a smile, and then he's walking toward his daughter.

Akaashi is busy with customers and doesn't have much time to watch the father and daughter, but he's grateful for time to chat when they check out.

"Akaashi-san! Look at my book. It's about sleepovers. I'm having a sleepover tonight with my aunts and my cousins!"

"Is that right? That sounds like a lot of fun. What will you do?"

Sachi looks thoughtful for a moment. "I don't know. But maybe there will be books and princess movies, and then it will be fun."

"That sounds great, Sacchan. Have fun."

"Bye, Akaashi-san," Sachi says, holding her book tightly to her chest.

"Bye, Keiji," Bokuto says, with a twinkle in his eye that makes Akaashi's pulse race.


By 7:30, Akaashi is showered, dressed and pacing. He's already thrown back a glass of wine to calm his nerves, and is pouring another.

It's not quite nerves but he's practically vibrating with anticipation.

When the doorbell rings at 7:55, Akaashi startles a bit, then puts down his wine glass to answer the door.

He opens it and feels a rush at seeing Bokuto, carrying a bag of food.

"Hey, Keiji," he says shyly.

"Hey," Akaashi says, though it comes out as little more than a breath. "Come on in."

Bokuto enters and Akaashi takes the bag to the kitchen as Bo takes off his shoes and jacket. While he's hanging his jacket on a hook, Akaashi saddles up to him and pulls him down by the back of the neck into a searing kiss.

They stay that way for a moment, arms coming around each other to hold the other close. Then Akaashi steps back and takes a hold of Bo's hand. He starts walking and Bokuto initially thinks they're going to the kitchen, but Akaashi heads down the hall in the other direction.

"Oh, we're, um, doing this now?"

"Yes," Akaashi answers without any other words or explanation.

"Oh. Okay." Bokuto is not one to argue, and besides, Akaashi does not appear to be in the mood for any discussion.

Falling For You [Bokuaka]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora