"Banda.." I said quietly. He put his finger on my lip and smiled.

"Don't tell anyone about this. Do you understand?" Banda asked so calmly.

"Yes.." I said.

"Meet me here tonight so we can join a game." Banda said and I nodded while walking away to go find Chishiya. Banda is more crazy than I thought but I like it.

"Chishiya!" I said as I was running tords him.

"What is it Y/n?" Chishiya asked.

"I'm sorry for staying with Banda." I said.

"Why are you saying sorry? It's not like I like you." Chishiya said.

Wait, Why do I feel guilty if he doesn't like me and I don't like him..?

"Chishiya.." I said quietly trying not to cry.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Chishiya asked and gave me a hug.

"Banda..wants me to join a game with him tonight..I think I have to go.." I said and looked down.

"Why are you telling me this?" Chishiya asked.

"Because..your face looks sad." I said.

"I'm not sad. I really don't care." Chishiya said and started walking off.

"Wait! Chishiya!" I yelled out. I  tried following him but I just gave up. Hmm..I hope Chishiya doesn't hate me now. 

Niragi came walking up to me.

"Are you joining a game tonight?" Niragi asked.

"Yes. I am. I'm joining with Banda." I said.

"Banda? He's here?" Niragi asked.

"Yes, Shouldn't you know?" I asked Niragi.

"I don't keep up with that stuff. Anyways. I'm gonna go kill some more." Niragi said and left. He is such a psycho.

I really want to see Chishiya..Maybe I can ask Kuina about where he is. I started looking for Kuina and finally found her with Tatta.

"Hey, Kuina! I have a question." I said.

"What's up?" Kuina asked.

"Do you know where Chishiya is?" I asked.

"Oh he should be in his room. no.238" Kuina said.

"Thank you! Bye Kuina! Bye Tatta!!" I said and ran to his room. I knocked on the door and Chishiya opened up.

"Y/n? Why are you here?" Chishiya asked.

I went to him and gave him a hug. I didn't let go. 

"Y/n..Please let go." Chishiya said.

I had let go. "Chishiya" I said.

"Yes, Y/n?" Chishiya said.

"I just missed you. I wanted to see you again." I said. I saw that Chishiya smiled.

"That's the first time I saw you smile" I said.

"Don't tell anyone that I smiled. It will ruin my character." Chishiya said.

I laughed. "Well, I have to go. Banda and I are going to join a game soon." I said.

"Ahh..That murder? You really like him, huh." Chishiya said.

"Yeah, Is there something wrong with that?" I asked.

"One day, You will see." Chishiya said.

What does Chishiya mean by that? "One day, You will see." I better stop thinking about that.

"I hope you don't die." Chishiya said.

"I won't, I'll remember your words you told me." I said.

"What did I tell you?" Chishiya asked.

"You said, "And newbie..What was your name again? Y/n? Well..Don't get yourself killed." That  is what you said." I said.

"Wow, You remember a lot." Chishiya said.

"You're right. Well Chishiya, I'm gonna go now. I'll make sure to come to you after the game." I said and smiled.

"Bye Y/n." Chishiya said.

I waved and went to go find Banda.

"Y/n. Over here." Banda said.

I walked over to banda. "Banda! Hi, Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yes, Let's go to the arena." Banda said and grabbed my waist and started walking to the arena.

Another big building? Seriously?

A/N : Sorry this chapter is boring. I'll be working on more chapters tomorrow. Stay safe :)

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