" We have to." Draco whispered and i suddenly felt each and every part of my insides wanted to hurl out.

It didnt take Harry a second to run past Draco and stick his head in the toilet seat, as he took out everything he ate that day.

Draco was fast on his feet, he didn't realise what had happened until after Harry started barfing loudly.

Draco tried coming close to Harry, but he felt helpless, what could he do?

He tried soothing Harry's back, but Harry stiffened at his touch.
" leave ." Harry mumbled before he started puking again.
"I- okay... I'll be right outside."
Draco mumbled and closed the door on the way out.

Harry stopped puking but tears started to pool in his eyes.

Why was he feeling so much about this now?

He hated Draco...
But then again he never actually hated Draco.
" I wish i hated you." Harry whispered

The way a simple ' have to' by Draco made him sick... The potion was getting stronger...What would happen when the potion would become even more stronger?

They would have to do it again.

Harry hated the fact that something so emotional was being exploited.
How can someone fuck someone they hate? How can people be friends with benifits?
Sex is emotion.
You can't repeat it and not have a consequence.

Harry brushed his teeth, washed his entire body, trying to ignore the god wrenching pain in his body and heart.

You can only feel this kind of pain for those who you care for.

" I care for you Draco." Harry gasped as he sat under the shower and cried again.

The was going to be up soon.
He has to get ready to be fucked again.

Not made love to, but fucked.

If only he cared for me... If only he loved me.
Harry was not as oblivious as people assumed hin to be.
He just pretended.
But inside he know, he couldn't ignore the signs.
You don't feel this kind of hurt for your frenimies.

" i wish you loved me the way I love you Draco."

Harry wiped his face clean, trying his hard not to look like a crying zombie, but suddenly he felt sick again.
He puked again. But this time? He puked blood.

Harry got clean, brushed again, took a short shower to not feel disgusting.
he put on a red bath robe, and walked out.

Draco was there.

He got up, and walked towards Harry again.

Harry thought Draco would ask if he was alright, or that they could wait till Harry was better.
But instead, Draco said, " You ready Potter?"

Harry's insides twisted and turned.
Realisation hit him harder than a stone.

You can only get hurt by a person you love.

Draco was hurting Harry.

Harry cared for the man who was hurting him.

But Draco's words rang in his head like sirens.

one emotion from inside of us will become strong, and one will weaken

Harry was never this emotional... It wasn't the arousal that got stronger... It was his emotions that made him cry after more than 8 years.

But if his emotions became strong... That meant that ... That meant that his self control which had been so strong in consealing his feeling for Draco had weakened.

He couldn't help it.
When Draco leaned, instead of turning away like he'd promised himself so many times, He kissed Draco back.

Dracos strong scent and taste infiltrated Harry.

Harry's legs went weak, his mind went mush.

Draco was in his white shirt and his black pants.

Harry was in a robe and he was naked inside.

Harry wanted to go over to the bed, thinking it would hurt less but Draco yet again pushed him across the room, and slammed Harry against the wall, hurting him.

It was all the same.
The grabbing, the pushing, the position, the curses ... All of it.
It was as if we were repeating the memory of this afternoon again.

Draco kissed Harry but pulled away the second he was inside Harry.
He didn't even stretch himout this time... Atleast something was different.

It's like he didn't even care.
But Harry knew that.
The pain was so damn bad, he wanted to cry... Maybe he did.
Harry set his forehead on Draco's chest, hiding his face from Draco.

Harry went unconscious a minute after with Draco still pounding inside him.

Last thing he heard was Draco moaning, "Fuck, so good Atlas."


Sorry for the depressing shit but please don't HATE Draco.

He has to be a jackass, it is the only way the bad guy will turn good, by being bad.

And to those who are guessing, yes i am using the name Atlas from it ends with us.
You can like literally picture him with Draco.


I did change up some stuff from before, so if you find something different like Draco saying a name before, check fuck buddies again, he said "atl- Potter" while fucking him.
I added it after posting it and as i already had a few reads on it so i just wanted to tell yall .
But dudeeeee

two updates in one day!!!!!

Tbh I am only posthong so much because one of my stories got deleted because i was inactive.
Can't have that happen again.
Bye tweedel deez

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