Chapter 1

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Gilberts pov

I was frolicing through a field of dandilions when i heard my name called. I turned behind me to find a masculine figure jogging after me. He had dirty, longish blonde hair and was wearing a oversized red hoodie with a type of leaf on it that i couldnt quite put a name to. But when i tried to focus on his face, i couldnt. It only got blurry when i tried to look directly at it.

"Gil, Gil! Wait up" he laughed. His laugh was quite yet powerful and had a soft touch to it. I then slowed down and starting walking to the side of an abandoned building that used to be a supermarket but is now a home to who knows what. Then something unexpected happened. The figure came over to me and mustered the most seductive voice he could, while taking his shirt off.

"Hello Gil, i had fun today. Lets not ruin it." And with that he straddled me. With a sexy smirk he bent his head down and started kissing down my collarbone and up to my cheek and then to my lips. I started kissing back. Damn he was good. Then he pulled apart from my face. A small string of saliva connected our bottom lips and i laughed a small laugh.

"Aimez-vous Gil." He wispered.

A/N) aimez-vouz Gil- love you Gil

Finally Awesome (PruCan and Yaoi)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora