*Chapter 14: Crying Wolves*

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*Back at The Salvatore Boarding House- A Meeting*

Andie walks, down, the steps, wearing, a white top, and black skirt and black boots on and she admits sadly, "I'm late, this is such, a crazy day." She stops at a mirror and puts a black jacket on and buttons it. Damon comes, down, the steps, wearing, a black shirt and black jeans and black boots on. He's holding her scarf, in his hand as she continues and admits sternly, "I'm covering, a historical society, tea party." He nods and comments with a smile, "Nice, how thrilling." She nods. They walk, over, to, the door and she continues and admits with a smile, "Yea, its for some visiting writer, who's writing a book, on small town, Virginia. He's a big snooze writer." Andie stops at another mirror and fixes her bandage on the left side of her neck as Damon responds and asks curious, "What's his name?" She responds and says sternly, "Elijah Smith." He nods, comments in disbelief and remarks with a smile, "Smith? He's using Smith, ugh..." She laughs and he puts the scarf on her and asks sternly, "K, you, have the story, straight in your mind, rite?" She nods and retorts with a smile, "I can't say that, you... bit me or dranked my blood, because you'll hurt me, if I do. Just that, we hit it off and I really like, you." He nods and smiles as she continues and says with a smile, "You're awfully terrific, though? You're sweet, you're funny, honest and you're so good to me..." He nods, cups her face with his hands and compels her and says with a smile now, 'And you're falling hard?' She nods and retorts sternly, 'You might, be the one.' He nods, stops his compulsion and says with a smile, "Perfect." He opens the door for her, and Alaric is standing outside, on the porch and he looks away as she grabs her black pocketbook and puts it, on her right shoulder and says with a smile, "K, rite." He nods and retorts with a smile, "Have a great day, honey." He kisses her and she responds to the kiss and then she walks past Alaric and says with a smile, "Oh, hey, Ric." He nods and smiles, and she looks back to Damon and she says with a smile, "Later." He waves goodbye to her and smiles.

She leaves and Alaric sighs upset as Damon comments with a smile, "My new girlfriend, Andie Starr. Action news." He shakes his head and admits with a smile, "Yea, its not called that." Damon nods and admits with a smile, "Yea, I know. I just like saying it. Come on, in?" Alaric does and goes in the living room and Damon shuts the door and follows after him and they talk. He shows them vial, of White Oak Ash and daggers, wrapped, in a cloth and he admits with a smile, "John Gilbert, gave this to me, to kill Elijah..." Alaric walks over to him and then sits, in a chair, now and says nothing surprised and shocked as he continues and says sternly, "He said you had to dip the dagger, in the remains of, an old white oak ash tree, that dates back to the Originals. If there's any, damn truth in that?" He hands him a dagger and Alaric nods, takes it and retorts with a smile, "You think, its a setup?" Damon nods and remarks with a smile, "It could be, the guy's a weasel! I wouldn't put anything, past him." Damon walks away, from him, and over to the fireplace and then faces him and asks curious, "What are you up to, today, Ric?" Alaric stands, walks over to the dresser, puts the dagger down, on the cloth and admits sadly, "Jenna and I, were going to go, to her old families lake house, but somehow, we both got roped, into doing this, Historical Society thing, at The Lockwood's Mansion." Damon nods and admits with a clever smile, "Where Elijah, is the guest of honor." Alaric sighs sad, shakes his head and pleads sternly, "Please, tell me, you're not, going to kill him, at the tea party?!" Damon shakes his head and admits with a smile, "No, that'd be stupid! I want to know, his endgame, before, I kill him. But I do think, its time Elijah and I, officially met." Alaric says nothing.

*Back at The Mystic Grill- A Meeting*

Bonnie is wearing, a purple jacket vest, with a black design, to it, black tank top underneath and, purple jeans and black boots on. Caroline is carrying, a black purse, on her left shoulder. She's, wearing, a black V-neck jacket vest, navy-blue jeggings and black boots on. They're sitting, at a table, across, from each other and they talk. Caroline speaks and says curious and asks with a smile, "K, so tell me, bout this, big witchy plan, you've been, cooking up?" She nods and admits sadly, "We still don't know, the extinct of what, Elijah is up to?" Caroline shakes her head and admits with a smile, "No. We don't." Bonnie continues and reveals with a smile, "So, I'm going to, ask Luka, to tell me, what, he knows!" She nods and remarks with a smile, "He's not gonna, to tell you!" Bonnie nods, retorts with a smile and retorts serious, "I didn't say that, he was going, to have, a choice?" Caroline smiles. Matt is working and Caroline sees him and waves to him, with a smile and Matt looks away, from her, still upset and angry and Bonnie comments to her surprised and asks with a smile, "What is that bout?" Caroline shakes her head and admits sad, "Idk, I thought, that we were idk, Bon." Bonnie looks at, her sad now and says sternly, "Just talk to him and see, what's going on. K, Care?" She nods.

The Vampire Diaries Saga: My Alternative Version of The ShowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora