Chapter two.

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Chishiya's POV:
I open my eyes seeing Niragi in front of me sleeping, he looks so good sleeping?? Oh now I'm thinking about something I'm not supposed to be thinking about..fuck I wanna see him with his hair down.

He opens his eyes as I close mine hearing him laugh. "Wanna tell me why you're staring?" "I just woke up okay?" "And you decide to stare at me? That's gay, letting me sleep here is also pretty gay." "This is a one time thing okay?" "Whatever you say." He says facing the window, is he dumb or something? Face me you idiot.

I Turn around facing my closet doors as I feel cold hands on my stomach. "Niragi! Your hands are so goddanm cold!" "Don't be a pussy." He says pulling me in close. "This is so gay, go to church you homosexual." "Who's bed is this again?" He whispers licking my ear, kinky bitch.

"We are NOT gonna do this, mm mm." I say as he hugs me tight, I'll just wiggle out, oh I can hear him breathing.. "Come on~ I swear you won't regret this." "No, now let go of me." "Then why let me sleep here? You're just BEGGING for me to be Inside you~" "Ew, I should've thrown you out the window." He bites my ear as I groan. "Just one kiss, please." He whispers into my ear, that's so attractive.

"You're so gay." "Come onnn, let me feel your insides." "Oh fuck no let go of me." "You don't even know what I can do." He says letting go of me getting up. "Where are you going?" "Bathroom." He says walking into the bathroom closing the door. I don't feel like now is the right time, I don't want him to leave.

I dig my head into my pillow hearing the bathroom door open. "New years eve is tomorrow." "Your point?" "I have no one to kiss at the last second of 11:59 PM." "That's sad." "Who do you have." "Many girls actually." "Poor girls." "What?" "Yeah, I feel sorry for them, since you're not gonna kiss any of them." "Nah, there's one, she's pretty cute." I sit up stretching as he stares. "What?" "Nothing." He says getting back in bed.

Niragi's POV:
I think I got a boner, fuck when he opened his legs..fuckk.. "Wanna tell me who's the girl?" "It's okay to be jealous, everyone wants me." "What a lie." "Yeah?" "Mhm." "I'm in your bed." "So?" I pull him by the hair laying him down as he groans. "You liked that didn't you?" "That hurt.." "It was so worth it too, groan again." He turns to me raising his eyebrow. "That's so fucking gay." "I wanna feel you so bad, it's not even funny." I say getting on top of him.

"Niragi if you don't get off me I swear-" "Shhh, just relax." I whisper licking his ear going down to his neck sucking it hard as he tries to push me off I go lower making circles around his nipples kissing them as he quickly pushes me off breathing heavily. "Fuck no.." "Be honest, did that feel good?" "No, no.." He says quickly turning away. "Come on, at least let me see you." I say turning him around as he covers his crotch. "I swear to god if you touch me again." "Are you horny?" I say smirking. "No! No! You're a turn off." Ouch.

He groans covering his mouth with the covers. "If you want I'll leave." "No! No no! Stay.." He says grabbing my arm. "If it helps you." He looks down letting go of my arm looking at me. "Can I tell you something..?" "What's it about?" "The reason why I went outside." "Sure." "I..I had a dream." "Obviously." I say sitting up. "You were in it." "Yeah?" "We, we..oh fuck I'll just say it, we had sex." "Oh?" "I just can't stop thinking about it." He says looking down at me. "My eyes are up here Chishiya." "You can't even blame me! You wanted to fuck me." "Still do." He covers his face with his hands as I turn him around pulling him onto my lap.

"At least tell me what time is it.." "It's 8:45." "Thank you." He says as I hug his stomach tightly. Knock knock knock. "Chishiya? Are you there?" "I-it's Kuina." "I know that, want me to open the door?" "Yeah." He says getting off me as I open the door. "What'd you do to my bestfriend? If you raped him I will beat your ass!" "Woah woah, I did no such thing?" "Hey Kuina." He says walking over to us. "Did he touch you? I swear if-" "He didn't do anything, I swear." "Okay.." She says punching me in the stomach as I drop to the floor groaning. "Kuina!" Ooh now I feel dizzy.

"Sorry! I didn't know it was that hard!" She says looking down at me as he helps me get up. "Kuina." "Oh look there's a friend of mine! Bye!" She says running away as he closes the door locking it pulling me to bed. "Do you feel any pain?" "I feel a bit dizzy, I'm fine." I say sitting up as he pushes me down. "Mm mm, you're gonna stay there." "Wow thanks doctor." "You're welcome." He says kissing my cheek, wait, did he just, HE KISSED MY CHEEK?? YESSS FUCK YESSS.

"I was being sarcastic." "I wasn't." Oh my god he's so fucking cute I wanna hear him moan LOUD. "Oh I can't breathe anymore." "Wait seriously??" "Yeah.." "Want CPR?" "Mhm." He pulls me in close as his lips get closer to mine, holy shit. He pushes me away laughing. "You really thought?" He says laughing more, that's so not funny.

Chishiya's POV:
He looked so good though, if I get a chance of having him inside me I'll definitely take it. "Yeah that's my sign to leave." He says sitting up groaning. "No no please I'm sorry." "Fuck Kuina has some strong ass hands.." "You're so lucky you're still alive if I told her what you did you'd be dead." "But you didn't, because you care about me." He says grabbing me by the jacket pulling me on top of him. "Fuck.." "Why'd you put your jacket back on?" "Wanna unzip it?" "Fuck, baby you're on my crotch.." "Baby? That's gay." "Shut up, just shut up." He says unzipping my jacket.

I slowly take it off as he grabs my ass tightly as I softly moan. "Well fuck." "That's how you moan??" He says licking his lips grabbing my ass tighter.. "Niragi please, not now." "I'm so horny baby, I can't get rid of it like you do..fuck~" He moans, I wanna help him, but- fuck. "Niragi you should take a shower." "Take it with me." He whispers into my ear wrapping his arms around me tightly slowly rubbing my crotch onto his..fuck fuck fuck what do I do..

"M-mmm.." I softly moan opening my mouth breathing heavily. "Fuck stop doing this to me~" He whispers. Bang bang bang! "Chishiya!! I'm bored did your boyfriend leave already!?" "Moan for me." He whispers. "What!? Are you crazy!?" I whisper back. "Do it." He says grabbing my ass tighter as I moan, fuck.. "Oh that answers my question!" She yells. "Did I have to do that??" "Yeah." He says letting go of me.

"I'm gonna go to my room and take a shower." "Why over there?" "My clothes are over there." He says picking me up laying me down kissing my cheek grabbing his gun opening the door locking it closing it behind him. Fuck now I have to process what just happened.

I'm so getting fucked by him after new years..My guess is about, 9 inches. That's my guess, it can't be longer than mine, right? Yeah, but if it is I'll actually die.

I get up walking into the shower turning on the water closing the door I turn on the light taking off the rest of my clothes waiting for smoke to come out, there we go, I turn the water closer to cold as I step in.

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