One-hundred and seven

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As I brushed my teeth to go to bed, Fred was walking around our bedroom, singing quietly to myself, and I was trying so hard not to laugh at the expressions he was making.

He was singing badly on purpose, his voice high-pitched.

When a snort escaped me, he spun around and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Laughing at me?" He pointed at himself dramatically while our eyes met in the bathroom mirror.

He stepped over the threshold and entered the room, eyeing me while I smirked against my toothbrush.

I spat the toothpaste into the sink, ran the brush under the water before putting it back, and then I flushed my mouth with water.

"You sound horrible." I commented and turned around, facing him. "Horrible."

He gasped, acting like he was hurt. A hand pressed over his heart while he approached and pressed up against my body.

A smile spread across his face. He cupped my face and leaned down to kiss me.

"You taste good." He whispered, then moved next to me to brush his own teeth.

"I have to pee." I announced, making my way over to the toilet.

And like usual, he stayed in the room while I peed because apparently that's where we're at in our relationship, and we're not even married yet.

"Remember to check the colour." Fred commented, causing me to raise my eyebrows and let out a laugh.


"You need to make sure you're hydrated. If your piss is yellow, you need to drink more water."

"Alright, this is the last time you're in the room when I pee." I said, but I went to check anyway, only to find that not only was there a spot of red in my knickers, but there was also blood in my urine.

"I think I have an UTI." I said, finishing up before flushing the toilet.

"What?" Fred asked, spitting toothpaste into the sink before looking at me.

"Yeah. There's blood."

"Blood?" He cocked an eyebrow.

"Yes. Blood."

"In your piss?"

"Don't say piss." I scoffed. "But yes. But also in my underwear so I need a pad."

When I reached for a pad underneath the sink, Fred grabbed onto my wrist and forced me to pay attention to him.

"Is the blood coming from the urethra or from your vagina?"

I hesitated, staring at him.

"... I don't know."

"Babe, if there is blood in your underwear—"

"Let's chill out for a moment." I said, holding up my hands. "You're making me nervous."

"That's not my intent, Maves." He assured me, leaning in to press a kiss to my forehead. "But I'm going to call Nicole's emergency number to see what we should do, but I am quite sure she will tell us to go to a hospital."

He left the bathroom and I stared after him, my eyes slightly wide.

Then I snapped out of it and continued to look for a pad. Once I was settled, I joined Fred in the bedroom as he was on the phone.

Though from the sound of it, he wasn't on the phone with Nicole. I stared at him until he hung up and turned towards me.

"Right, so Nicole says to go to the nearest hospital. It doesn't have to mean anything. Spotting happens sometimes and you haven't complained of cramps or any kind of pain so it may be nothing, but we have to get it checked out either way. Oh, and I called George. He's taking a portkey in five minutes and will stay in the house with the kids while we're at the hospital."

I let out a laugh, then immediately clamped a hand over my mouth when his eyebrows rose.

"Nope." I blurted, then spun around on my heel and marched into the bathroom where I left my wand.

I slammed the door shut, locked it and then reached for my wand before casting a spell on the door to keep anyone from getting in.

"Mavis!" Fred called out. "What are you doing?!"

"I'm not going anywhere!" I shouted. "Nothing is wrong with babies! I'm staying right here!"

"Mavis for fuck sake." He was now on the other side of the door, gripping the handle. "Open the door, love."

I paced the bathroom, refusing to open that door. There was no way I was going to a hospital. It was nothing. The blood was nothing.

"Mavis! Did you put a spell on the door?"

"Yep! And I'm the only one who can remove it!"

I heard him sigh heavily.

"Listen... I know it's scary. Trust me, I know. But we need to go. Remember what happened when you were pregnant the last time? Blood can be a sign of miscarriage but it can also mean your placenta ruptured just like the last time, and if you don't get treated for it, it will end up in a bloodbath again. We were so close to losing you."

"There is nothing wrong with the babies!" I shouted. "It's spotting! There's nothing more to it!"

"And how do you know that? How can you be so sure?"

I inhaled sharply before letting go of that breath.

"Because it's my body and I just know!"

"Mavis, darling..." he said softly, and I stopped pacing, turning my attention to the door. "If you truly thought it was nothing, you wouldn't be hiding in the bathroom. You refuse to go because you're scared we'll learn something we won't like."

I covered my ears, refusing to listen to him talk. I continued to pace the bathroom, singing quietly to myself. I shut him out completely, until I crashed straight into a body.

I stumbled back, my eyes landing on Fred who for some reason had gotten into the bathroom. I frowned and glanced towards the bathroom door which was still locked.

Then I looked at him again.

"What? How—"

"I removed the spell that prevents us from apparating within the house." He told me. "Now, remove the spell from the door so we can go."

I stared him down, refusing to do anything he asked of me.


"I'm not doing shit."

He reached for me so I backed up so he couldn't try and apparate with me.

"Don't do that." I said. "I'll splinch if you apparate with me right now."

"Then unlock the door, Mavis." He cocked an eyebrow at me. "I know it's scary but I'm right there with you. Through it all, yeah?"

I shook my head.

"You're not the boss of me."

Fred stared at me for a moment before breathing out a laugh.

"That's where Phoebe got it from." He nodded before his face went serious again. "Mavis Gabrielle Cahira... unlock that door or I will get Harry to come here and use his authority to do it and I really don't feel like bothering him at eleven at night."

With my eyes narrowed at him, I slowly raised my wand and removed the spell, the door unlocking with a small click.

Fred reached over to pull it open, and George stood on the other side, eyes flicking between his brother and I.

"What's happening here?"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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