Hiring Right: Don't Waste Your (and Their Time)

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The first rule of hiring right? Make sure you have the "Cha-Ching" to do so.  (Good people don't come cheap - salary, benefits, taxes, it's a real doozy!) If your bank account looks like a sad trombone solo, hold off on the hiring spree.

But if your bank account is looking happy and you're ready to hire, let's attract the ✨ right people ✨. Here's what your business needs to shout from the rooftops (and job boards):

Your business clearly articulates what it does. Don't make them guess! Be clear about what makes your agency awesome.

Your business clearly defines its mission. (Like, Your Actual Mission, Not "World Domination")

You have clearly defined corporate values. Don't just list buzzwords. Show them what it's really like to work at your agency.

You provide some insight into your culture.  Let them know what being part of the team is all about.

You publicize what benefits you offer. Health insurance, paid time off - the good stuff!

Be honest across the board! No BSing allowed. If they find out later, it's a recipe for goodbye.

Now, let's talk about the hiring process magic ✨.

Here's our hiring process:

1. Job posting goes live!  We blast it out to all the job boards .

2. Applications pour in! We sort through them and pick the top contenders.

3. Phone screening time! We chat with the shortlist to see if they're a good fit. Test time! We send a test to see their skills and how they'd fit in. 

4. Top scorers get a video interview! Time to see their faces and personalities.

5. Final interview - bullseye! We ask specific questions based on their test to see if they're the real deal. We discuss each candidate and decide who's the ultimate champion. (Yes, You have veto power )

Remember, hard skills get you to the shortlist, but soft skills and culture fit win the !

Early on, prioritize experience over raw potential. These folks will lighten the load for future hires (and all the training that comes with them!).

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