2023 in Taylor songs

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So i just spent like half an hour on this lmao

January: Majorie oh god whos dying

Feb: Red so im STILL not over my ex ugh

March: Vilagnte sh*t guess im going into my villian era for a bit

April (the month I see her in concert): Tied together with a smile... idfk bro

May: Long story short; over my ex and with a new loveerrrr??? maybbee??

June: Mastermind so admiting that I planned out how we'd get together

July: Labyrinth; so mastermind almost killed our relashonship but somehow we made it out

August: Mirrorball so like... I'm different around my friends, but when its just the two of us I'm 

my true self??

September: Gold rush So like everyone is crushing on my partner and I dont really like it

October: The lakes, we just wanna be alone with no one to judge us

November: Paper rings so we're clearly all lovey dovey

December: This love, we have like a bump in our relashonship, but we come back together.

anyways its two AM im going back to pinterest

Brain dump; aka im being really randomUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum