Chapter 8: Herbs and Dreams

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Song: Ruelle's cover of "Walking on the Moon"

Mid-January, a couple weeks after starting school 

Meadow and I usually ate lunch in the library, study hall, or the common room instead of the cafeteria. My ability to feel everyone's auras and experience their darkest secrets, all at once I might add, was overwhelming to say the least. I liked to hide away from crowds every chance I could, and Meadow stayed with me. For what, I didn't know. I could tell she wanted to socialize more, but she stuck with me. Which was kind, but made me feel like a charity case. It was annoying me. I know I'm proud, but I won't be someone's pity friend. 

I watched her watching a group of people downstairs, her eyes amused. "Meadow, why are you even hanging out with me? You clearly want to hang out with them. Just stop feeling sorry for me and go over there." I shot a pointed look at a group of kids laughing and talking loudly in the common room below us. I stomped away from the ledge like a brat and sat down on a bench in a huff. Meadow ignored me, used to my mood swings. 

The common room was a square room with fireplaces on the edges and multiple seating areas for socializing. It sat on the ground floor of the classroom wing. There were four floors in this section of the building. Elevators were at the back of the room and the stairs were on the opposite side of us. Each floor had a landing with seats and benches for students to congregate, but most people hung out on the first floor. The ceiling above was painted to look like constellations. The design of the classrooms and common areas were more modern than the older architectural style of the building.   

It was raining off and on today, so most of the students had moved indoors to the common room pushing us to the third floor landing for quiet. The "quiet" wasn't so peaceful. I was annoyed. I jumped up and began pacing with a low growl from deep in my throat. I wanted to rip something up. 

Meadow looked back at me over her shoulder, "Good job Lou. You didn't make the lights flicker this time." She gave me a teasing smile. 

I didn't return it. 

"Lou?" She said sympathetically, "You need some grounding, huh?" 

I sighed stopping my pacing and slumping my shoulders in defeat. I was all over the place. Maybe I did need to chill out. As an earth elemental, Meadow had the ability to balance out my negative energy with her positive energy. Much like the wellness practice of "Grounding" by walking barefoot to reconnect with the earth. The negative charge of the body that causes stress and inflammation to build up are balanced out by the earth's positive charge. 

All the more reason to walk barefoot, I thought. 

She grabbed my hands in hers, "It's okay, ya know? I can help you with this, and I don't take the mood swings personally. I have thick skin." I looked up at her brownish-green eyes as she winked at me. I could feel the negative energy seeping through the skin of my fingers into Meadow's hands. My shoulders loosened. My skin stopped itching. The urge to tear off my own skin and run away lessened slightly. I found my voice finally as my thoughts stopped hurtling around my brain.

"Seriously thought Meadow. We weren't even friends at Shady Brook. You don't have to hang out with me just because you pity me or something. I'd rather be alone." I said looking at my fingers, suddenly embarrased at my outburst.  

Meadow took a deep breath and stood straighter, "Lou, we were little kids at Shady Brook. I was an anxious little girl who became friends with some kids in my kindergarten class. We stuck together there. I rarely talked to anyone outside of my friend group because of my anxiety. I used to throw up every morning before school. Since I've gotten my magic, for the first time in my life, I feel-I feel....normal. I can't say I get what you feel with spirit, but I know anxiety. And with my magic, I can't help it Lou. I have to create balance."

faces of moon: maidenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora