"Its just some basic training, come on."

"A basic training, outside, in heat."

"Heat? Nah you should see this training during summer."

"I'd rather pass on that." I said with a light chuckle.

He smiled, shaking his head. He looked down at me, analyzing my body, before leaning forward me, closer to my ear.

"I think youd want a hugher collar shirt or some foundation, cariño." He whispered, pulling away quickly.

My hand quickly found its way to my throat, touching every single inch of it, feeling up the smoothness of it. I pressed my lips together hardly as I felt one of the bruises. I widened my eyes, looking up at him, as I didnt know what to do.

"Dont worry, is not that visible...yet."

Was he trying to tease me in that way? I would have expected him to keep this professional...even after what happened between us, but it seems the opposite. But I cant say I mind it too much. He made me feel desirable, sexy again...and especially wanted.

Its been more than a year since I felt this way, and it was honestly showing off, at least in my mind, it not even in my mood as well. And I bet he was feeling the same way.

"You should go take a shower and get ready, we need to discuss about the next mission." He leaned closer to my ear again. "I promise I won't walk in while showering this time." He whisperer.

"What if I want you to?" I whispered back.

"Maybe next time, this time they will get suspicious. !Date prisa, bombón!" He said as he pulled back, turning around and leaving me alone.

I couldnt help myself but bite my lip before leaving as well. Oh what this man can do to my mind and body.

I took a quick shower, making sure all the sweat goes away and my skin smells like vanilla again. I decided a long time ago thag this is going to be my signature scent, and I'm going to stick to it.

I dressed up in a sleeveless turtleneck alongside with my cargo pants and boots and found my way to the main room, where my team was waiting for me, along with Laswell, who was present through a video call on a laptop.

"Now that were all here" she started "I can finally introduce you to the mission and the intel I have.

I sat down next to Alejandro, watching the screen. We all nodded.

"We've got intel that Hasaan is going to attend a fancy party in Paris, with a bunch of other dealers. From what we know he's looking for a deal with a woman named Abigail Evans."

We all nodded, as she stopped for a few seconds. On our screen appeared her image for approximately a minute.

"Now, we managed to hack the system and change her photo."

As the photo disappeared, another one popped up. My photo. I stared at the screen confusedly until Laswell started talking again.

"Lilith, you're going in instead. Go find Hassan and try to catch him, lock him in a room, whatever. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am."

"I got you a fake ID, same for you Soap, Alejandro and Rudy. I want you in as well, to make sure everything wa going alright. Ghost, you're going to be the sniper. Your flight is tonight."

And with that, the call ended. I stood up, sighing lightly. I wasn't happy with the idea, but I also couldnt refuse it since she already switched the photos and had a fake ID.

As much as I like fancy parties, I doubt I could enjoy this one. But I'm glad the others will be there with me too.

"Well seems like we finally get rid of those uniforms for a night." Soap said

It was 9 pm when the plane took off. I made myself comfortable on my seat, closing my eyes. The flight was supposed to take at least 10 hours so might as well be comfy.

I could hear Rudy and Alejandro talking in spanish about something, that I couldn't make it out, Ghost was sitting silently, looking out the window, from what I've seen before i closed my eyes, and Soap was reading the book I gave him. Suffer the children by John Saul. Quite a great novel.

"Algo entre ustedes dos?" I heard Rodolfo's voice.

"Todavía no. Solo tuvimos sexo una vez. Pero ella es caliente."

"Eres una idiota, Alejandro."

Then the plane was filled with Alejandro's chuckles, which made me open my eyes, looking to him. As a response he just winked at me. I know he called me hot, I did understand that part, but I just ignored it.

I rolled my eyes jokingly at his wink, closing my eyes back again, and the two of them started talking again.

"Ain't no fuckin way!" Soap yelled, making me jump in place.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Ghost groaned.

"BB you should have warned me about this!"

I opened an eye to look at Soap, seeing him with the book in his hand.

"Warn you about what?"


"Oh found out why shes mute?"


I let out a light chuckle at his tone. He sounded so upset it was just so funny.

"What's the title of the book?" I asked calmly.

"Suffer the children."

"Whats Sarah?"

"A child?"

"Did I really need to warn you about it, when the title itself warns you?"

He reminded silent for a moment.

"You could of said something..."

"Dont be a fucking crybaby, MacTavish." Ghosts thick accent filled up the air, making Soap, let his head down, going back to reading the book.

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