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Kirari's bright eyes darted around the student council room, feigning interest in the group's discussions. None of the meeting's topics that day seemed to satisfy her boredom.

Eventually, she settles on making use of her peripheral vision to gaze at her secretary, Sayaka. The first year had a way of capturing the older girl's attention. Whether intentional or not, the younger girl's presence always instigated a need to be closer to the girl, to touch her, an unfamiliar sensation to say the least.

The woman involuntarily let a small smile soften her typically sharp appearance as she shifted her gaze back to the other council members.

However, her thoughts are swiftly interrupted by a sultry voice requesting her attention.

"President, is there a reason that you look so pleased today?" Sachiko asks, her question causing all previous banter to cease as council members opted to instead await Kirari's response.

Her blue eyes widen subtly before quickly regaining her composure.

"It's nothing," she replies in her conventionally formal tone, "please resume your discussions."

Sachiko raises a skeptical eyebrow before turning back to the others.

SIghing quietly in relief, Kirari can sense Sayaka's eyes burning into the back of her head, the feeling returning once more.

"How fascinating..."


Later that evening, the two sat together in the council room finishing paperwork, the rest of the school having gone home for the day.

Or in other words, Sayaka finished paperwork while Kirari watched due to the younger girl refusing to let Kirari overwork herself. Although she couldn't complain, signing endless documents bored her to tears.

Kirari observes the girl closely, how her dark eyebrows furrowed in concentration, how she would occasionally let the end of her pen rest between her teeth, and most endearingly, the way she'd sometimes look up from her paper and accidentally meet Kirari's gaze before blushing madly and looking back down again. The sight was indeed quite adorable, causing the older woman to giggle to herself only making poor Sayaka's cheeks burn an even deeper shade of crimson.

Eventually, the sound of Sayaka's pen retracting back in on itself drew her out of her thoughts, the papers in front of her shuffling together signaling their completion.

"I finished, madame," Sayaka whispers, sliding the stack in Kirari's direction.

Kirari sighs contently, "Thank you, will you be leaving then?"

The first year nods, turning to pack her school bag, "Have a good night, President."

But as she starts towards the door, Sayaka is unexpectedly pulled back by a manicured hand.

"President?" she yelps, whipping around to face Kirari once more.

The taller girl's face is lit up with a gentle smile, her heart rate suddenly picking up, unbeknownst to her startled secretary.

For once in her life, Kirari is at a loss for words.


She looks at the ground, taking a long breath before looking back into the younger girl's confused violet eyes.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Kirari breathes, "Sayaka."

Sayaka cocks her head to the side, mouth gaped open in confusion, "Goodbye, President."

When the large doors close behind her, Kirari finds herself left to her own devices. It's not an unusual occurrence but she feels as if she forgot to do something while her secretary was still in her presence.

Of course, she'd finally gotten close enough to touch the girl, but the moment still felt incomplete, like she should've done more, hugged her, let the taste of the younger girl's lips linger on her own.


Suddenly, all of the thoughts racing through her mind come to a halt as Kirari finally realizes the cause of these new sensations.

She'd fallen in love with the girl.



That night Kirari had found herself lying on her bed, Ririka standing just across the room from her, having been summoned by the latter.

"So," the older one began, quickly getting impatient with her sister's silence, "Are you going to tell me why I'm here?"

Kirari shifts her gaze from the ceiling to her twin, inhaling deeply.

"It seems I have fallen for our dear Sayaka," she sighs dreamily, "Isn't that interesting?"

Ririka raises an eyebrow before responding, "You've just now realized?"

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