
-Baaaabe! Come onnnnn....I need you online right now.
-okay, I give up maybe tomorrow. Guess you slept off.
-Goodnight sweet. Love ya.

He ended there last night then continued this morning.

-are you kidding me babe?
-you are yet to respond. Come on!
-hey! Did i do something wrong again. I told you to stop shutting me down.
-I'm sorry okay? Whatever I did. I'm really sorry.
-please respond to me babe. I'm heading for class now, I'll reach you later in the day.

-I can't focus in class babe, please respond.
-shit! I'm getting darn worried now.
-what's wrong? Are you sick?
-I could literally shit my pants right now babe.
-I'm so nervous and worried, my hearts in a turmoil.
-shit! Did something happen to you.

I scrolled away towards the ending, skipping some of the messages.

-okay, I can't do this anymore. I'm on my way to yours.

"Oh no!" If he said he was on his way at 4:30pm. He would be here any minute.

No, he can't see me right now. Not in this condition. No, never! I shook my head and hurriedly dropped my phone on the table then proceeded to my bedroom. I changed from my pajamas and got all dressed up in a blue knee length gown.

I applied very light make up, but highlighted my features.

Not long after I got dressed, I heard a knock. Then two, then three and then four.

It started out slowly but soon it became aggressive and demanding. I shook my head and threw my thoughts out. It's just Mikey. 

I took a deep breath, after my nerves calmed down I proceeded outside.

"Ames! Are you in there?" His voice almost broke me again, but instead I chose not to show.

I opened the door and met his gaze, he looked askew like he ran over here and has ran his hands through his hair countless times.

His almost always perfectly laid back brown hair looked so rough and tangled.

"Ames! You are okay, oh, thank God!" He took a sigh of relief and moved wanting to come in. I stopped him.

"No, you can't come in" his face fell slightly at my word and tone, he raised an eyebrow like asking if I'm serious. I didn't flinch.

"Okay babe, I understand I don't know what I did this time, but I'm sorry. Let's get it settled inside". That was my Mikey! Always so sweet and at that I almost lost all of my facade.

"No Michael, you can't come in. Not today". That hit a spot. I never called him by his full name.

He fell back a bit and gave a second look "Michael? I guess what I did is so bad, okay let's discuss it out here".

Just A Peekحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن