Start from the beginning

"We got Pilgrim World!" Enid yelled when they found Wednesday. "I have natural people skills and a love of performing, so it's kind of the obvi choice." "What'd you get?" Celia asked. Wednesday opened her piece of paper, and read out loud: "Uriah's Heap, whatever that is."

"Oh," Celia said. "Ew," Enid said. "It's this weird, creepy antique store. You'll love it, though."

"I'm crossing my claws Ajax and I will be outreaching together," Enid said hopefully. "What about me?" Celia said, faking a crying face. "You obviously do not matter," Enid replied. "Mean."

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The bus arrived at 9:23 in Jericho. There would be a small speech from the mayor and Principal Weems about Outreach Day before they were going to outreach. "Oh my god, I'm like already nervous for my dance routine! Even though it's like in a couple of hours, I can feel the nerves already!" Enid kept rambling.

Celia noticed that Wednesday disappeared in the crowd while they were walking towards the town square. They took a seat next to Yoko, and waited for the mayor's speech to begin.

"Welcome, welcome, Nevermore Academy," the mayor said. Celia didn't payed attention, because she was focused on Wednesday arriving with Xavier Thorpe next to her. What was she doing with him?

Suddenly, everyone stood up, and Celia snapped out of her thoughts. "Come on, let's go to Pilgrim World!" Enid said, grabbing Celia's hand. 

When they were near, Wednesday called Enid's name. The two girls both turned around, facing the black haired girl handing Enid her paper. "Switch volunteer assignments." "What? No. Uriah's Heap is definitely not my bag," Enid said, with a disgusted look on her face.

"It's an emergency. I need to check out Pilgrim World," Wednesday said. "But Wednesday, this is not a fair trade. Why would I agree to spend the entire day at some dumpy emporium of crapola?" "Because Ajax is volunteering there. Thing sneaked a peek at his assignment."

"But if you're not interested-" Enid's mood completely changed. "No!" Wednesday turned back around when Enid snitched the piece of paper out of her hand. "Oh my God, thank you. You're the best!" she yelled, before leaving. Celia would at least learn one new thing today: Enid would do everything to be close to Ajax Petropolus. 

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Wednesday and Celia arrived in Pilgrim World after walking for a few minutes, and it was like they literally traveled back in time. "This is going to be a great day," Wednesday muttered sarcastically. Celia chuckled.

Eugene was taking some pictures of Yoko and Bianca, both of them poking their heads through a picture board. Since when are Bianca and Yoko friends?

 Eugene turned around to face the two girls approaching him. "Hey, girls, want to grab a Hummers group photo?" he asked. Wednesday didn't respond, which meant 'no', but Celia couldn't decline it, so she took a picture with him.

 "Good morrow, my young Nevermore kin," an unfamiliar voice said. In front of the group now stood a woman in an old pilgrim dress. "I am Mistress Arlene. A real OC," the woman introduced herself. "What is an OC?" Celia whispered to Wednesday.

Mistress Arlene must have heard Celia, because she explained what it meant. "Original colonist." "Oh." "Now prithee, put your cellphones on vibrate and make haste, for you are about to travel back in time to the year of our Lord 1625, to Jericho's first pilgrim settlement." 

Mistress Arlene started walking away, causing the students to follow her. "Yonder," she said, stopping in front of a wooden building, "Behold, the meeting house. Inside is a collection of artifacts related to Jericho's most beloved and pious founder, Joseph Crackstone."  

Then We Kissed In The Dark (Wednesday Addams)Where stories live. Discover now