He grinned at her reaction,"For being so bloody adorable. Now let's go, it's Thanksgiving! I've got a turkey to stuff!"

"And a woman too, if you're willing..." Hermione didn't mean to say that out loud.

Draco's eyebrows shot up, having been taken off guard from her remark, "Excuse me, wot?"

"Huh? What? I didn't say anything, did you hear something? I swear the November breeze has gotten quite chatty as of lately." She quickly magically cleaned up the table and was almost sprinting to the front door before strong arms caught her, and held her close.

"I'll do it if you ask nicely..." Draco muttered huskily into her ear. She wasn't sure if she shivered at the sound of his voice or from the chill breeze rushing past them.


"But I don't want you to go! Why can't you sleep over like how you, me, and dad did at your house?" Scorpius pouted.

Hermione sighed as she bent down to be at eye-level with the boy, having a little bit of difficulty from having eaten so much of the Thanksgiving feast, "I have to wake up early tomorrow to beat the shopping traffic. The Black Friday sales are looking much better this year, which is a blessing and a curse."

"Are you sure that's the only reason why you don't want to sleep over and cuddle with me and Scorpius?" Draco had a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Hermione's face grew red as she recalled the events prior to the Thanksgiving dinner...

"Draco...Scorpius is in the house! What if he walks in on us?" Hermione whispered worriedly as he ran his lips along her neck, hands trailing up and down her body.

"Don't worry love, I casted a silencing charm on the room." He mumbled while nibbling a sensitive spot he found on her neck as he made his way down her body.

"D-Draco I—" Her breath hitched before she could protest any further, the feeling of his fingers made her knees go weak. If he hadn't had her pressed up against him and his bedroom door, she was sure she would've lost all ability to remain standing.

"We've got an hour before I have to take the Turkey out of the oven...we don't need to go further than this if you want me to stop now."  He continued his hand movements while looking up at her from his kneeling position on the ground.

"Merlin, you're going to be the death of me..." She exhaled quickly as his mouth added new levels of pleasure to his consistent hand motions.

An animalistic noise left her lips as he drove her to the edge. She grabbed his hair, riding out her euphoria.

"Merlin, Draco..." She exhaled as he began kissing his way up her body, allowing her to catch her breath.

"You look beautiful..." He mumbled in her ear.

"I'd look even better on you." She smirked boldly.

He gripped her hair slightly, "So what do you want to do now, darling?"

"Show me how you do your stuffing..." She whispered into his ear.

Hermione shook her head, the memories after that moment were a hot and heavy blur that caused her face to burn up even more.

Scorpius placed his small hand on her forehead, "You look unwell, are you sick, Mum 'Mione?"

She gave him a sheepish smile, "No sweetie, I'm just a bit fatigued is all."

"A lot of physical exertion can do that to you..." Draco grinned knowingly.

She shot daggers at him before returning a softer gaze on Scorpius, "Thank you for worrying about me, darling, but I'll be fine once I go back home to rest up. If I was sick, I wouldn't want you catching a cold from me."

Scorpius nodded his head and gave the woman a hug, which she returned happily, "Goodnight Mum 'Mione, I'll see you later."

She kissed his forehead, "Goodnight little one. I'll make sure to get a good Christmas present for you tomorrow."

"No kiss for me?" Draco pouted as she made her way towards the front door.

Hermione rolled her eyes and quickly kissed him, "Goodnight to you too, ferret."

"I'll see you in my dreams, my beautiful otter." He spoke dramatically and winked. Grinning widely as he heard the last traces of her laughter after she closed the door behind her.


Author's Note:

I know, I know, I did a bit of robbing, but!....I think it keeps as much wholesomeness as I possibly wanted for this story, hehe.

Anywho, things are now on a whole new level for our ship in this chapter. I wonder what the next chapter will bring...see you then! (^_^)

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