~Chapter 36: Feverish Fancies~

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"I will need to announce you," George said once they reached a pair of ornate double doors. "If he does not allow admittance, then I will see you to your rooms and you may try again tomorrow."

"I hope for all your sakes that we are not turned away, hireling," Zayn snapped. His ruse was impeccable. He seemed exactly as he had when she first met him, cool, aloof, cynical, and domineering, nothing like the man she'd come to know on the Partheos. It was remarkable. Just like that, he was able to adopt the demeanor of a true Mullingan.

George was not as good with keeping a front. His face pinched, but he simply nodded before entering the room, closing the doors behind.

It was only a moment before he returned, motioning them inside the room hurriedly.

They stepped in.

"His Majesty King Harry recognizes Ambassador Zayn of Mullingar with retinue and grants them audience by his grace," George called out as their group walked down the carpeted leadway toward the thrones. There were guards and several nobles in the room. Obviously, they were interrupting a meeting of some kind, perhaps not unlike her own meetings in the council chambers in Elysium.

As they approached slowly, Kalysta was able to get her first good look at the ruler of Cheshire.

The King sat tall on his throne, the very picture of Cheshine royalty, with longer trimmed hair and fastidious clothing. His face would have seemed more kind if his eyes hadn't been slightly narrowed in suspicion. She couldn't blame him though. His queen, Layla, was perfectly poised in her seat as well, though her expression was much more open. Looks were deceiving, however, and as Zayn had reminded her, these people prided themselves on their ability to control their emotions. If Kalysta acted out in any way she knew it would jeopardize things.

It was with this in her mind that they reached the end of the carpet before the dais on which the Royal Family sat. Immediately, Zayn bowed at the waist, deeply. Louis caught Kalysta's eye and gave her a look that clearly expressed "Do as I do," before he dropped to one knee, bowing low. Kalysta followed suit, feeling foolish. She'd never had to bow before.

"Ambassador Zayn, I feel like it was only yesterday that you were paying Cheshire a call." The King's voice was low and even, carefully practiced. Even still, it was a deep drawl, falling pleasantly on Kalysta's ears. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this unannounced, rapid return?"

"Your Grace," Zayn began, rising to stand upright again, voice still lofty, "as always, my father is pleased that you continue to happily cooperate. However, new concerns have come up and I would like to mention that if events continue as they are, there will be war in Dalitrise." Louis and Kalysta joined him in standing, but again Louis caught her eye and by example directed her to keep her gaze straight ahead, at the Royal Family, and not anywhere to the sides.

King Harry was silent for a moment, staring down at them. Again, his emotions were carefully hidden, but he seemed to be contemplating the group.

Before it grew awkward he said, "I move that this meeting of countries be to the blood. Would you agree, love?" He turned to the Queen.

"I second the motion," she replied, meeting his gaze for a moment and then returning hers to the group, Kalysta in particular. Kalysta felt like she was a bug under intense scrutiny, like the Queen would be able to determine her identity, just with a look. Her already heightened anxiety spiked. Would these people even listen to her?

"Very well, Ambassador, we will meet tomorrow," the King said. "The meeting will be to the blood, with my bodyguard, Jeremiah, as witness. You may bring those in your retinue for witnesses if you wish."

In the Shadows~zayn au~Completed ✅EDITINGحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن