MSMC Bk 3 - Chapter 21

Start from the beginning

She realized I had missed it and after I helped her put her cut on, she pulled me down in front of her. She kept a hold on my hand as she took a deep breath and said "You are not the only one with surprises to share tonight. I was going to wait until Christmas Eve to tell you but I think now is even better." She started and I just waited for her to continue. She took another deep breath and I could feel her hand begin to tremble as she said "I know we haven't really talked about kids yet but how many do you want?"

"As many as the good lord blesses us with." I said honestly.

"Does how long we wait make a difference?" she asked.

"No. Not at all. I know you might want to wait a while and I'm okay with that but I'm ready whenever you are." I replied.

"Good because I just found out this morning that I'm pregnant." Tiana said and I nearly fell over.

"Really?" I asked and could feel the smile on my face growing bigger by the second. When she nodded, I couldn't really believe it so I asked again. "Really? You are going to bless me with a child? OH Tiana. I thought I was happy when you agreed to be my old lady and my wife but this! This has put me over the moon!" I almost cried as I swept her up in my arms and kissed her with every ounce of the love I felt for her and couldn't have been any happier when I felt it returned.

After a few minutes, I jumped up and pulled her to her feet. "Come on. I want to make this official and announce it to everyone. Then no one can ever take you away from me because you are mine now, woman!"

"Now and forever baby." She giggled back at how silly I was acting but I was just so damned happy right now.

We walked past the game room and I opened the door and shouted "Come to the bar, please. I have an announcement to make!"

Guys started following us down the hall and several of them noticed that Tiana was now wearing a cut and someone said "Damn, too slow. Oh well, I'm happy for him." I think it was Crusher but I couldn't be sure.

We walked into the bar and I whistled to everyone and waved at the prospect to turn down the music. Once I had everyone's attention I said "Tiana has agreed to be my old lady and my wife. Not only that but she's going to bless me with a child next year. We are pregnant!"

The roar of clapping, whistles and hoots and hollers that went around the room was almost deafening and enough to call the attention of the guys who had been playing cards in the library to come running. Everyone came over to shake my hand and to kiss Tiana on the cheek, welcoming her into the family. I don't think I've ever felt so proud and happy in my life as I did when Rooster asked her "Tiana, just so that this is official. Do you accept Boxer's claim to be his old lady from now till death do you part?"

"Oh yes! With every ounce of breath I have in my body, I accept." she replied.

"Then welcome to the family, little sister." Rooster said and hugged her and kissed her cheek. "When are you due?" He asked.

"I'm not sure yet. I just took the home pregnancy kit this morning and it showed positive but I haven't been to see a doctor yet. Will I be able to do that while we are on lock down?" Tiana asked.

"Yeah, but Doc should be able to tell you how far along you are and can handle most of the pregnancy while we are on lock down. If not, or if you would feel more comfortable having an OBGYN, we can either get you there or bring them here." Rooster answered her.

"I would like to know how far along I am. I think I'm only about a month at the most but I'm really not sure." Tiana said. She had always had irregular periods and to be honest, she couldn't remember having one since she had become intimate with Boxer.

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