
"Yeah. I've got nothing, Bishop. Neither does she, really. No help from our parents, no real home. I think... I think I just got spooked about being left on our own in a few months. I want to provide the life she deserves."

Kate smiled, feeling the same way about Yelena. "I get that. But remember, our ladies are capable too. Honestly, they'll probably be making more than us in a decade."

Chuckling, Natasha replied, "yeah, they definitely will. We can't even make it out of a corn maze."

"Anyway, don't stress too much about it. Believe me, I know graduation is terrifying, but it'll all work out in end."

"You believe that, Bishop?"

"Got to."

Across the way at the homely country farm, Yelena and Wanda moseyed about, a candied apple in each girl's hands. They had crushed the maze several minutes prior, and now busied themselves browsing the delightful little vendor booths scattered around the fairgrounds. After having exhausted every commercial outlet and having bought far too much kettle corn, Yelena groaned, casting Wanda an expectant look.

"I know," Wanda said, rolling her eyes. "We should've gone with them."

"She can quantize particles and shit, but a corn maze..." Yelena chuckled despite her girlfriend. "That's really the tough stuff."

"You know, in a way, I wish I could be more like that. Sounds kind of fun to get lost in a maze. Just stop and... I don't know, shuck the corn."

"Hm." The blonde linked her arm through Wanda's, leading the pair over to a picnic bench with perfect view of the maze exit. "Stop and shuck the corn?"

"Yeah. We're already seniors, Lena, can you believe that? I bet that in a year, we won't have time for any stuff like this."

"Maybe not."

"You're okay with that?"

Yelena shrugged. "I don't know. Things just feel... different to me now. A lot of my life has changed in the past year, and most of it's been good."

"A little change can be good, huh?"

"Mhm." Yelena fiddled with the hem of her shirt, Kate's oversized flannel, running her fingers over the black and green fabric. "Kate is rubbing off on me, I think. Trying to go with the flow."

"I never knew I needed a friend like Katie until I had one."


"Yeah. She told me she'd talk to Natasha about school and stuff. That's probably what's taking them so long, now that I think about it."

Yelena hummed, eyes set on the ever-empty exit. "This about that mechanic gig?"

"Mhm. Natty was too cagey with me. But Kate has a way of making people feel comfortable."

"Yeah, she's pretty okay," Yelena grinned. "Maybe Nat will somehow talk Kate out of her delinquent phase. I swear she hasn't been to class in two weeks."

"I wouldn't worry too much about that," Wanda dismissed. "We talked about that the other day."

"What'd she say?"

"Not much. I think she just genuinely needs a break. If this lasts past homecoming, then maybe get a little worried. But for now, just help her unwind. God knows she could use that."

"That won't be hard. We've got like, seven parties in the next three weeks, not to mention rush. Kate will probably be aching for some simple calculus after that."

"They should put you on sorority Mount Rushmore, honestly."

"That's the least I deserve."

As the two women laughed together, enjoying their cider, candied apples, and kettle corn, their revelry only heightened when Kate and Natasha finally exited the maze... out of the entrance. Upon realizing this, Natasha threw her hands up in exasperation, surely cursing some corn deity. Kate just laughed, tears pooling as she reunited with Yelena.

"I don't know how you got out of that," Kate said through her fits of laughter, throwing a casual arm across Yelena's shoulders. "All the corn looked the same, babe, it was impossible."

With an adoring smile, Yelena kissed Kate's cheek, handing over a candied apple that she had saved for her. "I'm proud either way. You did good, my love."

Natasha sidled up to her girlfriend as well, dutifully handing over her jacket when she spotted Wanda with her arms crossed across her chest.

"Now," Natasha started, taking Wanda's hand. "Who's ready to pick some pumpkins?"

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon