Chapter one: A Blinding Comet

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There was chaos in the stables as elves ran in and out. Some coming and going with medical supplies. Others with towels and water. They spoke in rushed loud voices, keeping tensions high for those who watched. Namely the reindeer who waited right outside for any updates on Donner's condition. Cupid paced back and forth anxiously, while the others stood in somber silence. No one dared to even make a sound, lest the trance be broken and they're face with their current reality.

"Will... Donner be alright?" Blitzen muttered, cutting through the thick atmosphere and jolting all the reindeer. A question they'd all been thinking, but were too afraid to say out loud.

"Of course he will, man!" Dasher laughed. "Who do you think we're dealing with, huh? This is Donner! He probably just went over board on some pinecone cookies or somethin'. Right?"

Prancer chuckled half heartedly. "You're the only one who eat those thing y'know."

"He sure wouldn't have had a chance to get to them, with your appetite." Finished Dancer.

Vixen approached Cupid to snap him out of his repetitious pacing.

"Hey. Hey. Calm down. Take a breath-" He spoke softly and calmly. Cupid closed his eyes as he did so. Taking the deepest breath in his life, and steadily let it out.

"There you go. What would Donner say if he saw us out here panicking like this, hm?"

Cupid eye's shot open as he looked back to Vixen. "You saw it!" He snapped, catching all the reindeers attention again. Cupid rarely, if ever, raised his voice like this.

"He fell, Vixen. He just fell out of the sky! This has never happened before! Did you see his face? It was contorted in pain! He was in pain and-"

"Breathe Cupid. Breathe."

Cupid shut his eyes and and bit his lip. He had to. Speaking only made his panic worse. Besides he wasn't the only one worried here. Everyone was scared for him. But that was to be expected!

Donner was their rock. He taught them everything there was to being a reindeer for Santa Claus. Sure, he could be pretty tough on them at times. But that was just so they'd be raised into strong reindeer. In all their years of knowing him, he never faltered. He was strong. Consistent. Immovable. And yet their rock, had cracked, shaking their very foundation. No one quite knew what to do, or how to handle it. So all they could do, was be there for one another while waiting for the news.

Blitzen seemed to notice something, as he was looking around amongst them.

"What's wrong, Blitzen?" Dasher asked following his searching eyes.

"Nothing just..." He muttered absently. "Any one seen Comet?"

Donner's condition was stable. Mr. and Mrs. Claus and the reindeer all came to visit him. Even though they tried to keep the mood jovial, there hung a uncomfortable tension in the air. Fear for Donner and questions no one quite had the answer to.

What would this mean for him from now on? Did this mark the end of his time as the leader of the reindeer? What happened? Was he dying? Could anything be done?

How did he feel?

Any attempt at discerning his feelings were futile. As always, he had a stiff jaw and his proud gaze was unbroken. Weaker, but unbroken. Eventually, it was determined that what Donner needed the most at that moment, was rest. With a few more well wishes, and a blanket placed around his shoulders, they left him be.

Donner would sit in silence for only a little while, when he was approached. His head was turned to the wall, but he knew exactly who it was. He could never mistake those clunky steps of his on the hay covered wooden floor. He did not turn to meet his waiting stare. But he could feel it burrowing into the back of his skull.

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