23 | Walk and Talk

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"And it's the same for you," I stated. "If I do something you don't like or if you want to stop whenever then we will. And it's fine," I assured him too because consent works both ways always. Harry's eyes soften just like mine did and he nods his head.

"We're not obligated to agree with each other every time we want to...be that way," his voice is quieter, holding our hands to his lips. I want to hug him. I don't want to ruin this. He's perfect.

"Be that way? Who's being shy now?" I teased, using my other hand to poke his cheek. Harry swats away my hand and rolls his eyes. "Who says you could roll your eyes?" I continued, poking his nose now.

"Don't forget who's in charge around here, Rin," he warns casually, not being serious about it. "Hm...maybe I should remind you soon," I say, the idea of having control over him makes me excited.

Harry doesn't let go of my hand, he takes our interlocked hands on his lap and leaves it there while he drove. At the two stop lights we get, he drags me into a random conversation and would sneak over a kiss on my cheek or forehead, grinning afterwards.

When we're back at his house, he opens my door and then rushes to the backseat for my bags, taking them all out and he doesn't let go of them until he drops them on my bed. "That will be five dollars," he holds his hand out, flatly telling me the price for his kind service.

I tiptoed, grabbed his face and messily scattered five kisses across his cheeks. "Thank you!" I swung my door shut and I hear Harry mutters something along the lines of 'you're lucky you're cute' as he stomps away.

For the first time, I fill the space of the closet in room I currently occupied. The room feels so much more different now that I actually used the space as mine. Now that I no longer have to cautiously use my products, I do a full nighttime skin routine.

After showering, I changed into the comfortable silky pyjama set that I bought today. Now sitting on my bed with my phone in my hand, my finger hovers over Louis' contact. At the back of my mind, I've been thinking about my Jeep and now that I'm ready to go to sleep I figured I'd give Louis a call.

Hopefully, he answers this time. And he does after the second ring. "Hey, I was supposed to call and let you know that you're Jeep is safe with me and already in steady recovery," Louis shares, sounding chirpy.

"That's good, thank you," I pretended to sound as happy as I can. I was happy and relieved about it but my mind was too occupied to honestly sound like it. "Have you reported what happened?" Louis asks me hesitantly.

I inhaled, wanting to avoid this question but I can't blame him for asking. "No, I don't want this to be a mess," I answered after a while. "Alright, guess that means I can't say anything?" he assumes correctly. "Yeah, thanks Louis," I smile, admiring that he doesn't give me a tough time about it.

"No problem, Green Tea. You get a family discount by the way," he mentions. "As I should," I joked but knew I'd end up tipping him more than his cost. "When will it be ready?" I ask and he hums. "No idea, tell you tomorrow," he shrugs off.

Louis and I say our goodbyes and when we hang up, it finally dawned on me that there was one last phone call that I have to make tonight.

Flicking back to the picture I took, I dialled her number and my hand hovers over the call button longer than it did with Louis. Just one phone call and that's it. I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with as much air as possible and then slowly exhaled through my mouth. I don't know if that helps with my racing heart but I'd like to think so.

After the third ring, nearing the fourth I was about to hang up when someone picks up. Holy-

"Hi," I spoke into the phone, anxiously waiting to find out if this was a silly prank or not. "You called," I hear the relief in her voice. "I...thank you," it's her. That's really her voice. I don't say anything because I'm shocked but mostly because I don't know what to do.

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