||Chapter 13: Back At Hospital||

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They arrived and Quentin quickly was rushed into the ambulance.
A doctor inspected Nicky's leg and determined he couldn't walk on it for weeks, months maybe a year at least so he was sitting in the back of one of the ambulances.
He watched as Mr Peterson's body was but in a body-bag and carried away along with another body-bag of the now confirmed dead Aaron Peterson.
They found all the evidence that Mr Peterson was really the one that was behind the kidnapping and deaths of Raven Brook.
Nicky then handed something to the policeman,"Here.", "Huh?", "Something you'll be interested in.", the policeman took the file from Nicky and read it.
It was the file full of evidence against everyone, The Mayor, The Baker and everyone in town.
"Let's get you and your partner to the hospital."
"Yeah. . ."


Nicky looked at his ankle, they had gotten him a cast around his ankle.
He wouldn't be able to but much pressure on it but least he had a crutch to held him balance the pressure out.
A nurse then came in,"Uh, Nicky Roth correct?", "That's me. . . Is Quentin going to be okay?", she was silent, the back of Brian immediately knew what she was going to say but a huge part of me wanted her to say he was okay.
. . .
"I'm sorry. . . Quentin passed away not long after the surgery. . ."
Nicky closed his eyes and sat there letting the information sink in, years whelmed up in his eyes and he failed to contain them but tried his best to wipe the tears away, damn it. . .
Why did he have to die. . .?!
Another person that tried to survive justice, killed in his attempt to bring the truth to light.
"You did it Quentin. . . The Town will be exposed soon thanks to you. . ."
Nicky could already hear The Mayor trying to deal with the press but Nicky knew that he was pretty much screwed.

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