Facts 11-20!!!

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Well, here we go ten more things about Moi.

Fact 11:

I love Prussia and Russia. Don't judge they are hot.

Fact 12:

I can do a British accent. Yes, I can do a British accent and it's pretty awesome if I do say so my self.

Fact 13:

Okay peoples, that's about it that's how boring I am I can't even come up with thirteen facts about myself.

Fact 14:

Oh! I know, I am originally from Maine.  Yup, I am a Yankee. Before you ask I do NOT have a Mainer accent, since I grew up mostly in Florida, I have a southern accent. Just ask my soul sister Gabby or really anyone I know.

Fact 15:

I am a highschool graduate. And, I am currently getting ready for my first semester of college in the fall. Yeah, I'm done school!! I got to graduate like 2-3 years early. So HA! To everyone at Walton High who said I was a worthless cause!!!

Fact 16:

I used to have over forty o.c's. I know that's not very many to have but I can only come up with so many personalities and names.

Fact 17:

I now have only 20 some o.c's. Big difference right? Now the papers don't get lost as easily! ... So... I may or may not have created at least one oc for each fandom I'm into..... There's now about 50 of them

Fact 18:

I  dropped out of high school and instead did the G.e.d program at the local college campus. High school isn't for me ... Now college that's my thing! Went to school two days a week for half days with no homework? Why aren't people lining up to do this! Plus I could go in my pajamas!

Fact 19:

If someone nominates my for this again I'm NOT DOING IT!

Fact 20:

BYE! I'm done. Took me forever but DONE! *goes insane from this* Don't mind me... *dies* *grave appears saying: R.I.P. Here lies the insane person who can't come up with twenty facts about themselves. She will haunt whoever tells her to do this again*

Well I guess I nominate ...Nom Nom Nom:

Alyssah Pryor Gabby Watson and that's about it peace.

Oh! And, GaaraandMori !!!!!!

20 facts about me!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin