Chapter 9

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A/N: Here we go with chapter 9! Hope you guys enjoy it!!! :D

Chapter 9

The next few weeks seemed to fly by, as Emma worked hard to train for The Queen's guard, getting better and better at the art of sword fighting and archery, while Henry learned so much working in the kitchen with the other cooks and bakers, both slowly mastering the art of riding a horse. Neither had much luck getting close to The Queen.

"Hey Kid!" Emma said, peeling off the top layer of her sweaty clothes, as she closed the door to the single room the shared in the barracks. "How was your day?"

"Pretty cool! They let me take the lead on making The Queen's lunch and they said she LOVED my tomato soup I made!" Henry said, excitedly.

"That's a good sign!" Emma said, flopping down on her bed. "Looks like you're going to get close to her before I do." Emma said, defeated.

"Don't say that. You'll get there. True Love always wins remember! We just have to be patient." Henry said.

"Like I said before, Mister Positivity Ladies and Gentleman!" Emma laughed, when a sudden knock on the door startled them both.

"Swan! Get ready! Be out in the courtyard in ten minutes. The Queen is going for a ride in the forest, and she requested you specifically to be one of her guards. MOVE!" The Commander of the guard screamed through the door.

"Yes Sir!" Emma shouted, jumping off her bed, attempting to throw on her armor in excitement. Henry needed to help her secure the pieces as her hands were shaking too much with anticipation.

"See!!! I told you!!!" Henry said, as he handed Emma her helmet.

"Wish me luck!" Emma said, throwing Henry a thumbs up as she ran out of the door.

"Good luck Emma!!! Go get my Mom back!" He thought, as he flopped down on his bed, taking a bite of the left over bread he snuck out of the kitchen, smiling up on to the ceiling.

Emma ran out to the courtyard and took her place in line with the rest of The Queen's guards just as The Queen herself walked out, followed by handmaid's, ready to attend to her every need. She was wearing tight black leather pants, with boots that ended mid calf. Her red velvet jacket was long and ended just below the back of her knees, with a hat that matched. She snapped her fingers and the stable hands walked out her powerful black steed. The Commander of The Queen's guard stepped forward to assist The Queen onto her horse, as the stablehands continued to walk out horses for Emma and the rest of the guards to ride alongside The Queen. The guards quickly got into their formation as they waited for The Queen to be ready for her ride. Emma was assigned the position behind The Queen, the position farthest away. The procession started, The Queen directing the Commander where she wished to ride.

Twenty minutes into the ride, The Queen came to a halt as they came to a clearing in the forest.

"Your Majesty, is there a problem?" The Commander asked, turning to face The Queen.

"Swan! Accompany me ahead." The Queen said, turning around to face Emma.

"Uh. Sure?" She said, moving her horse to meet up with The Queen.

"Commander, I will not require any more guards from this point on. You may wait for us here." The Queen said, waving off the Commander.

"Your Majesty, I don't think it is safe for you to ride with only one guard protecting you, especially one who has only been with us for a few weeks." The Commander said.

"I trust in her ability to protect me should the need arise. Are we going to have a problem, Commander?" The Queen asked, lifting her hand the produce a fireball.

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