SOUL (crush)

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Me and Y|N have been best friends since the 3rd grade when she came to Japan because her mom got a job offer here. She taught me english and I taught her Japanese it was a win- win. Anyway recently I have noticed I started developing strong feelings towards her. She is just so pretty, nice and she is always looking out for me. She says i'm like a brother to her though wich makes me sad but I get it she just doesn't feel the same way but as the days went by my feelings started getting stronger. My heart would beat so fast when I heard her name or saw her face so I missed a couple days of school and played it off by saying I was sick

another day and another day that Soul isn't here I hope he gets better soon, this school is so boring. I got through the day like I usually do when Soul isn't here and I walk home. Soul's house is on the way to my house so I thought i'd stop by. I walk up to his door and knock.

Soul's POV
I am in my room playing video games when I hear a knock at the door "Shota can you go get the door please" my mom says and I come out of my room and walk to the door. I look out the window first and see Y|n. I panic but open the door. My heart starts beating at a fast rate when I see her in front of me "Hey Y|n. What are you doing here?" I say and let her in the house "well you weren't at school today either so I wanted to check on you" "oh that's nice but maybe you should go I don't want to get you sick" I say looking around and not at her "are you sure you're ok Soul?" "Yes it's just a cold I will get ove-" "Y|N oh how I've missed you" my mom says interrupting me and hugging y|n  "hi I missed you too I haven't come over in a bit because Soul was sick" y|n says and my mom looks at me "sick? Soul? Hmm? No he hasn't been sick he just hasn't went to school because he said there was a week off" my mom says and y|n looks at me disappointed "you lied to me?" Y/n says skating her head and walking out the door "Y|N WAIT!" I put on my jacket and followed her out of the house. Before she can reach her house I pull her back "Wait let me explain" I say felling guilty "what is there to explain? Why did you lie? Do you not want to see me anymore?" "No y|n it's the exact opposite..." I say fiddling with my fingers not being able to look her in the eyes
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I sigh and grab her hand gently "y|n take the hint. I am not avoiding you because I don't want to see you. I am avoiding you because I want to be with you. I have never felt anything like this before and for some reason you make me feel it, you make me feel comfortable, you make me feel like my heart is going to explode, when we talk or when we hang out I feel like its just us in this world, I only see you. Y|n will you please forgiv-" she interrupts me with a tight hug "I forgive you and I feel the same"

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