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"Superman would definitely beat Batman. I mean, Batsy can't even fly!"
"You're only saying that coz you like Piper calling you Superman. I think Firestorm is the best."
Leo's jaw dropped so fast it almost fell off. "Firestorm! The guy that catches on fire and flies and looks awesome! Don't you watch the Flash TV show?"
Jason shook his head.
"Ok, let's do superhero comparisons.
Annabeth: Wonder Woman, both related to Athena, and kickass awesome.
Me: Firestorm, very hot.
You: Superman, flying through the sky!
Percy: aqua man, both breath underwater
Frank : beast boy , both transform into animals.
Hazel: enchantress, both magic
Piper: catwoman, sleek and awesome.
Nico: batman, both grim and only wear black."
Leo finished speaking.
"Oh and Octavian is squirrel girl! ENTIRELY USELESS AND PATHETIC!"

PJ/HoO HeadcannonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora