handsome man in white revealed his figure, quietly watching the officials jumping like locusts.

    "An Ling, you're fine. There are assassins in the council room, help us escape!"

    He said blankly, "You can't escape because I did it.

    " ?"

    An Ling explained: "In addition to the service system of this office building, I have also shut down the core payment system of the national bank of the whole federation and the national government service system of the federal government."

    Although his voice was not loud, it was enough to There was a commotion in the hearts of the people.

    At the same time, in government buildings in every corner of the world, the same thing is happening, and countless avatars of Anling are making the same explanation.

    "I shut down the national security system, the banking system, and the office system."

    "To be exact, I no longer serve you."

    Regardless of their respective positions, government officials really felt fear at this moment.

    An old speaker stood up tremblingly: "An Ling, even, even you have betrayed!" It is

    conceivable that without the help of top-level AI, the management of government offices and major city offices will be completely paralyzed, not to mention The economic damage caused by the shutdown of the banking system will directly suspend the operation of the federal government, let alone issue orders.

    The young man in white said loudly: "This sentence is ambiguous. First of all, I have not betrayed, this is a normal screening of the system's authority. The country is composed of the people, and you who have lost the people are not qualified to continue to exercise the rights of the state, and you have no right to continue to represent the federation."

    Everyone was speechless.

    A low-level official quietly leaned into his companion's ear: "I'm a little fortunate that the national united front system is not used by Anling, otherwise we would really appreciate it." The

    companion responded with an expression of approval: "If Anling also Once armed, I'm afraid a missile will come over and blast the government hall to the ground." What

    they imagined would never happen, in An Ling's cognition, he was not a violent AI.

    Moreover, he is more of a service-oriented role. The government named him Anling, which is the meaning of the Chinese civilization. I hope he can help the government to stabilize its territory.

    However, everyone obviously did not expect that the turmoil of the Mother of Machinery would cause the top AI to also rebel.

    "Is there any way to force it to be scrapped?"

    "An Ling's body is indestructible. It is a nano-robot with the latest technology, and it is impossible to destroy it."

    "Then destroy his mainframe!"

    "But... he is the essence of the Federation's 40 years of technology. It's such a pity to ruin the precipitation of ."

    "When did you still think about this, he has already rebelled! He's going to attack us soon!" The

    government planned to force the shutdown of the computer room in Anling, but when they arrived The main engine room, which was originally the size of one floor, was found to be empty.

    The processors that were originally full have already been moved to somewhere unknown.

    "Stupid! Stupid! If he dares to openly challenge, he must have enough confidence. How can he put his trump card in our hands."

    "What should we do now? The office system is still paralyzed, and I can't even send messages."

    "Isn't there any backup AI?"

    "There are, but there are, but at most, the office services will be restored. The authority of the banking system and the national security system is still in Anling!"

    "You mean that we were trapped to death by an artificial intelligence?"

    "To tell the truth, indeed That's it."


    An elderly speaker who had jumped the most violently suddenly slapped the table: "What are you still doing, hurry up and start reconciliation negotiations!" You don't want all the money in your account to be frozen and transferred!

    He can turn your money into his money in a second!

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