020 | last open letter to the person I believed to be "the one"

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You're the very first person who showed me how to love and what it feels like to be loved, as well as the first person to make me understand that love alone won't keep someone loyal.

Our youthful selves couldn't keep up with the time so we grew up, and now im commemorating the love we had in the beginning. confused and disheartened over the idea that perhaps, whatever we had wasn't real. the distance between us tore us apart so that I couldn't actually enter your heart. you were too busy in your own world like i was. I waited for you to let me in, like you did for me.

I was so engrossed in the ecstasy of the highs that I forgot the horrific lows while attempting to save something that was beyond saving. Looking at it now, nothing will ever be the same again, and the only thing I can do is accept that once we switch from being lovers to strangers once more, things will be much better.

Previously, I desperately wanted you to keep fighting for us, along side me, but right now, all I want is for you to be happy. Although I'll think of you occasionally, I think you'll forever hold a spot in my heart but now I dont think it hurts as much. So, I add this final letter to indicate the end.

Ps. I got the character you once told me you wanted, i worked hard for it. that one's your birthday gift. I hope you've been well. take care, my love.

sincerely yours,
L. A. Reid

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