"Hmmmm.... Oh, that's easy! It's Qui- That little..." I can't believe he did specifically what I told him not to do....

"Go on Yuga... finish. Who is it?" Toga suddenly asks and I gulp.

"Look Toga... I specifically told Quinn not to do it... he didn't listen and I honestly can't help that he snuck behind my back and did it anyways..." I quickly sputter out and she starts giggling.

"Well, you shouldn't have told him~" She purrs out and I gulp.

"Toga we can talk about this right? I m-mean we were coworkers." I try to reason with her when all of a sudden she draws her knife from behind her back and begins walking towards me.

"C'mon, I mean seriously I worked for Shiggy too..." I try again and watch as she stops.

"Yeah you did...." she mutters in thought and I sigh.

"Yeah so... I mean it's not too late to just have a civilized conversation... right?" I ask, hearing the fear in my voice, which I hate.

"Hmm." she stands there for a second thinking and I can't help but feel a glimmer of hope.

"Perhaps....." She trails off and I get excited.

"But.... no~" she suddenly states and everything goes black.

*Quinn's Pov*

"How about I show you how to use the coffee machine?" I hear Kaibara ask Kaden and I shudder remembering the terrible experience of Kaibara teaching me.

You stand at the counter while Kai teaches him and wait.

Suddenly the doorbell jingles and I look up to see a red spiky-haired male.

"Hey, what can I get for you?" I ask looking at him and I watch him smile and look at the menu.

"Uh, well a red velvet cupcake and um a mocha latte." he looks at me for a second before pulling out his wallet.

He pays me and I put the cash in the register handing him his cupcake.

"Here you go..." I mutter and watch him as he peels the paper off the cupcake and opens his mouth taking a huge bite out of it.

"Gosh this is the best cupcake!" he exclaims and I can't help but notice his teeth.

"Dude... you're a shark?" I ask him unconsciously and my eyes widen as I slap a hand over my mouth.

"I am so sorry! Sir...." I trail off and he starts laughing.

"Nah it's cool bro, you don't need to apologize, I like a guy that speaks his mind! It's quite manly..." I watch him in confusion as tears pool in his eyes as he finishes his sentence.

"Anywho, my mother technically is a shark, so I got these teeth from her." He smiles widely showing off his teeth.

"Though it has nothing to do with my quirk or anything... my quirk I get from my dad." he finishes with a grin.

"Cool... uh anywho here's your coffee..." I state and hand him his coffee.

"Oh, thanks! Well... See you!" I sigh as he turns and walks out of the cafe.

I roll my eyes turn around only to see Kai and Kaden watching me with a grin on their faces.

"What?" I ask and they burst out laughing.

"Dude you are too awkward..." Kai states and I sigh.

"All I said was he looked like a shark... and the kid told me his whole life story..." I mumble, already wanting the day to be over.

Quick Bloody Love (Himiko Toga X MaleOc)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora