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Suddenly, an alarm sounded, indicating we were in missile lock. But just as the enemy shot a missile at us, both it, and the plane exploded. Rooster whipped his head around to see what had happened. An F-18 flew through the smoke.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is your saviour speaking." Hangman's voice sounded though our comms. "Please fasten your seatbelts, return your tray tables to their locked and upright positions, and prepare for landing."

I let out a sigh and grinned over at Hangman. I never thought he'd be the one saving me.

"Hey, Hangman. You look good." Rooster jokes with Hangman.

"I am good, Rooster. I'm very good. I'll see y'all back on deck." He breaks away from us and flys back to base. I sigh in relief, as we make our way to the boat. I communicate with the base, letting them know we're here.

"Breaker is downwind. No front landing gear. No tail hook. Pull the cable and raise the barricade."

We circle by the boat and I can't help but do I flyby to celebrate our success. I go to land and suddenly our left engine.

"Please don't tell me we just lost an engine." Rooster groans.

"Okay. I won't tell you that." I chuckled out. Luckily we were close to the base so we didn't have to fly far. We finally made it to the boat, and made a quick crash land, the nose catching on the net that the runway crew had set up. Our plane stopped and I sat back, and let out a sigh. We're safe. The runway crew ran around us, putting out the fire in our engine. Then everyone came running at us, just as the canopy lifts open.

Rooster hops out first, then I do, after I catch my breath. I raise my helmet and shake it in the air, so proud of our success. Cheers sounded when we hopped out and everyone descended onto us and congratulated us. Maverick came up to us and hugged us both, proud of our achievement. The rest of the graduates did the same. Then I looked up to see both Admiral Bates and Admiral Simpson smiling happily down at us. I saluted up to them, and they nodded down at me.

Rooster was speaking with Maverick, so I had gone to find Phoenix. She found me first, however, and I felt arms grab me around the waist. I turn and immediately hug her back, tears welling in my eyes.

"I thought I lost you." She muttered. I grasped her tighter.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't want to leave you like this." I tell her through my sobs. We spend a good five minutes together, standing in silence. We pull away and she smashes her lips onto mine, savouring feeling. However, the adrenaline that I've been running or for the last hour finally wears off, and pain rushes through my body. My legs cripple, as all the cuts and bruises I sustained in my explosion suddenly feel like their on fire, and my head feels like it's been hit against a brick wall. Nat notices and helps me to the med-bay.

"Come on, let's get you checked out." We hobble around and finally make it to our destination. I all but flop onto a bed, but just as I lie down, everything blurs and my vision goes black.
I j finally regain consciousness and crack my eyelids open. I notice I'm in the hospital ward, and then my head , only to see Nat sitting right next to me. Asleep.

"Natasha." I grab her hand, and she jerks awake.

"Wha- oh, my goodness. Your awake. Please stop doing this to me, love! It's killing me." She smiles.

"I'm sorry. I took a pretty hard hit when the missile blew me up." I smile sheepishly. A nurse then walks over, to asses me again.

"Hello, Captain. So the good news is that it was only a mild concussion and withdrawal of adrenaline that caused you to black out. However, we do recommend you stay overnight, or at least for another hour or two, so we can monitor you." Both me and Nat let out a sigh of relief at the good news. I stay for another hour before requesting to be discharged from the hospital ward. They let me go, with the advice to 'take it easy'. I scoff at that, I never take it easy. I'm always causing myself some sort of trouble.

I meet Nat at my car, and we drive to my apartment. We settle on my couch, cuddling, for the first time in forever. The last three weeks have been the most stressful and exhausting weeks of my life.

"Hey, love?"

"Yea Nat?"

"After we get signed off on this mission, I was wondering if you wanted to join my squadron? The Black Aces. There's an opening." A nervous smile adorned her lips as she spoke.

"Of course. I'd love to!" The thought of spending more time with my girlfriend made my heart extremely happy. A grin broke out on her face as I accepted her offer.

"Great! I'll talk to my commanding officer and let them know." We settled back into the couch to continue watching movies together. Eventually I drifted off, dreaming of a future with my favourite person.



Okay this is a super short chapter but it's finally finished! I'll create and epilogue after this but omg that was a wild ride. Thankyou for reading 🫶🏻🫶🏻

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