She had yet to invite Alex.

It had been a week since Olivia and Alex had talked - neither had spoken to the other and they definitely hadn't cleared the air. However, she couldn't picture celebrating her birthday without him so she sighed as she dialled his number.

He took a while to answer and when he did he only blurted out a quick, "I'll call you later", before hanging up. Olivia looked at her phone in confusion.

He called her back an hour later with an apology, "Sorry about that." Before he spoke she wasn't sure if he was still in the same mood as last week but she seemed to calm down after hearing him - speaking a lot calmer and kinder than before.

"It's okay, I was just calling to say that I'm having some people over tonight for my birthday. I wasn't sure if you wanted to come?" She told him, her fingertips rubbing up and down her arm as she nervously waited his answer.

Alex's heart clenched slightly at her uncertainty about wether he'd want to be there. He hadn't realised that their slight argument (if you could call it that) had been that bad, or affected her at all. Though he admits that the fact that he had practically ignored her all week wouldn't help the situation.

"I kinda already assumed I was invited." He said, slightly teasingly, with a smirk she couldn't see.

"Oh, did you?" She laughed at his confidence. The beauty about Olivia was that she didn't hold grudges. She didn't see any point in getting angry over something so small - causing arguments for no reason. She also found it extremely hard to start mad at Alex.

"Well, I would be shocked if Matt got an invite and I didn't." He admitted.

He smiled when she laughed, "So you just assume that I like you more than Matt."

Olivia felt her checks turn red as he insisted, "I know you do." His voice had lost all humour, only a slight teasing tone to the statement, and he said it so seriously that she felt her hairs rise on the back of her neck.

She laughed, from nerves (not that he could tell), as she admitted, "Fine. Maybe just a little."

"So what time is it?" He asked casually informing the effect of his past statement entirely - as if he had said it in the same tone and not with a hidden meaning.

"It starts at 6."

"Sounds good."

Before she forgot she quickly mentioned, "Oh! And feel free to bring Arielle if you want." She hasn't heard anything from either of them for a while and the last she had heard was that they were happy so despite not being particularly fond of the pda she decided to offer the invite - as well as Arielle being her friend too.

Alex felt his throat dry up, having to cough, as he muttered, "I don't think that would be a good idea."

"What? Why?" She asked - though she had a slight idea already just from the way he had said it.

"Broke up." He explained briskly not wanting to spend too much time on the topic.

It was clear that Olivia came before Arielle. He had always know that he was going to choose Olivia - the decision came so easily to him that he didn't even need time to debate it. The fact that being friends with Olivia have him more of a rush than being with his girlfriend made it simple for him to come to terms with the break up.

Olivia wasn't sure how to react. She was friends with both of them (even if she considered Alex a closer friend). "Oh, I'm sorry. If you don't feel like coming out don't feel like you have to just because it's my birthday." She told him, despite desperately wanting him there she knew that she wouldn't want him to force it.

"I'm fine, really." He felt bad that it wasn't a lie - he truthfully was fine. "I wouldn't want to miss your birthday."

Olivia smiled to herself her cheeks pink as she nodded, "Okay so I'll see you later?"

"Yeah." He confirmed.

"Okay goodbye Alexander."

"Happy birthday Arabella."

She was wearing a white dress and Alex was convinced that he felt faint when she opened the door - she had a beauty that couldn't be replicated. It was even worse when she smiled, her face lighting up in warmth. He smiled back not quite sure he'd be able to speak without stammering.

"I told you not to get me anything!" She scolded looking down at the small bag he held in his hand. He smiled and shrugged. She rolled her eyes, "Come in." she told him before sighing as he handed her the bag, "It better not be anything expensive."

She began to undo the ribbon holding the bag closed when Alex's hand reached out resting on the top of her hand stopping her. She noticed her looked shy, his cheeks going red, "Open it later." He insisted and she looked at him suspiciously. He laughed at her as he added, "Just open it once everyone leaves."

"You're being very secretive." She told him. She looked down at the gift and then back up at him, "You know telling someone not to do something just makes them want to do it more." However, she said this whilst putting the bag down on the cabinet in her hallway before walking Alex to the living room.

The party had been fantastic - in her won humble opinion. Everyone was simply drinking, playing board games and having fun. It was moments like these where she was extra grateful for knowing the people that she did.

Everyone and stayed until the early morning and they all began leaving - waiting on taxis as the rain poured outside. As always Alex was the last to leave. She stool with him in the hallway by the door as he was putting on his leather jacket.

"Can I really not open it in front of you?" She asked - he had been rather persistent in the conditions of this present.

He smiled bashfully, "Absolutely not."

She groaned giving in, "Fine."

Just as he was about to leave - the door open revealing the cold wind. She wrapped her arms around his neck, his back facing her as she rested her chin on his shoulder looking at his face which was looking at her softly. "Thank you for coming." She whispered and he smiled.

She pulled back and let him go, waving at the taxi as it left down the road. As soon as he was gone she had grabbed the present and rushed to sit down on her sofa - the anticipation eating away at her.

Inside the bag was a box as well as a folded piece of paper. She opened the box first and laughed - a pair of aviators lay inside as well as note that read 'Since you love to go on about them here's a pair'. She shook her head at him before opening the note, her eyes growing teary as she read ;

To Arabella,
Happy birthday.

Every time we interact I am amazed by you ; not once have you failed to surprise me.

Thank you for giving me the pleasure of being your friend and for allowing me the luxury of making you smile. Your charm exceeds that of your beauty, the ability to make someone as moody as I am laugh is one that is rare and I think only you possess. You have a beautiful mind and soul, one that I'm at fortunate to be in the presence of more than I think I deserve.

Whilst I can believe that you're real I can't believe that someone like you would willingly want to spend time with me. I don't think that I'm worthy of your friendship but I'm glad that you thought otherwise because you have made me happier since.

It's impossible to show my appreciation for you in a gift so I've put it into a sappy letter.

You are my favourite memory and the best part of my future. You have ignited my life and made it brighter - there is no way I can possibly thank you for that.

Forever and Always yours,

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum