Drifting Apart

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"If you tell anyone at all, I will kill you. I'm not gonna let you ruin him for power games like you did to me."

Steve closed eyes at Charlie's harshness. He couldn't believe Charlie still thought of him like that.

"I don't care about power, I care about you. I don't want you to get hurt."

Charlie's grip loosened. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"I'm sorry." he muttered. Steve nodded after a minute of silence he asked.

"What about us?"

"There's no us." Charlie replied not meeting Steve's gaze. But there was regret in his voice.

"Yeah, right." Steve gulped.

Charlie looked at Steve who was looking down. Hesitantly he placed a hand on the side of Steve's face. Steve's looked up and Charlie cupped his face. His eyes flickered to the Burnette's lips.

"I wish things could be different but they aren't. And we have to live with it as it is." Charlie said softly and kissed Steve's forehead.

It took everything in him to finally pull away from the boy and walk to the driver's seat. Steve stepped away from the jeep and watched Charlie drive away. Away from him, once again.

The next day was no better for Charlie, he woke up with a terrible headache and still went to school. The first thing he saw was Steve and Nancy kissing in the parking lot. After internally cursing the whole universe, he went to the library.

He had a surprise visitor there, Billy Hargrove.

That's how he ended up naked at the back of Billy's camaro in pure daylight. Billy was less chatty and lot rougher than before. A sour mood had came over him.

Charlie got dressed and they smoked together in complete silence. There was a bruise on Billy's jaw. The blonde wad glaring at the steering wheel.

"What happened?" Charlie finally asked. He knew it would make Billy angry but he couldn't hold it in anymore.

"None of your business. We're just screwing around, you don't get to interrogate me about my life." Billy replied in a cold voice.


"Yeah... I know. But you can still talk to me you know. I know something is wrong. You're not like this usually."

"Well you don't know me enough. I'm always like this."

"Not to me." Charlie said simply, as if it was a common fact.

"Will you just stop!" Billy slammed his hand on the steering wheel. "This is who I am, Hopper. And you're nothing special."

Charlie pretended it didn't affect him as much as it did. He got his bag from the back of the car and opened the door. It may seem petty, but if Billy didn't care then Charlie had to show he didn't either.

"Bye." he muttered and got out.

"Where are you going?" The blonde asked a little calmer.

"None of your business."

He slammed the door shit and started walking away. Billy angrily got out of the car.

"Charlie!" he yelled. Charlie didn't turn around. Billy didn't call again but Charlie heard him curse loudly.

The day had been terrible enough. Charlie didn't go back to school. He didn't go home either. He went into the woods. He walked about for hours. The gears in his head turning all the time.

Unhinged | S. Harrington| B. Hargrove | Stranger Things  Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora