"What about you, Mr.  Pamuk?  Was your day succesful?" Cora asks.  "Oh yes, lady Grantham. I can hardly remember  a better one."  

The dinner are now finished and they are all in the drawing room.  William and Helena walks up to Robert and Cora.   Robert smiles.  "William, We didn't get to speak much during dinner."  William smiles.  "No we didn't."   "I heard you were doing a trip of Ireland, how was that?"  Cora asks.    William smiles "Very well, Ireland is a beautiful place.  I hope my sister has been a good guest?"  

Cora smiles.  "She has."   "How's your father?" Robert asks.  William takes a deep breath.  "I have seen him in a while but i'm going home next so we'll see."  Robert nods.  "Do say hi from me to him."  William 

Evelyn walks up to Margaret who is drinking from her glass.  "Would you like to stand on the porch with me?"  He asks her.   She  looks at him and nods.  "Sure."  She puts down her glass and they walk out of the drawing room.  

They walk out to the porch.  Margaret looks at the sky in awe.  "The stars.  It's beautiful."  Evelyn smiles but he's only looking at her.  "Yes, they are."   She then feels his hand caressing her hand.  

She sighes. "Mr. Napier."  He looks at her.  "Yes?"  She turn so her whole body is turned towards them.  "I'm confused.  I have thought all this time that you have liked Mary but all day you have only focused on me, am i crazy?"  He smiles. "No, you're not."   

She is now even more confused.  "But you have been writing to Mary.  Why would you write to her if you actually like me?"   He takes a deep breath.  "You're right, i don't like Mary. I like you but everytime we have met i haven't had the courage to talk to you.   So i started to write letters with Mary, to get my courage to one day speak with you."   He takes a hold of her hands.  "Margaret, i like you.  I have liked you for a while.  I would love to get the chance to get to know you better.  So what would you say to us courting?"

She looks at him shocked.  "Are you sure?"   He nods.  "I have been more sure.  Let me know your answer before i leave tomorrow."  He kisses her and walks inside.  Leaving Margaret with her thoughts.  

Margaret is sleeping when she feel someone shaking her.  She looks and sees Anna.  

"Anna, is something wrong?"  She asks.  "It's Mary.  She needs you."   Margaret nods.  She stands up from her bed and walk out with Anna.  

She walks into Mary's room and is shocked of what she sees.  Mr. Pamuk dead in Mary's bed. 

She looks at Mary speechless.  "What happened?"   "I'm not sure.  He was fine and then he wasn't."

Margaret is still confused.  "But why is he in your bed?  Did he force himself on you?"

Mary takes a deep breath and shakes her head.  She can see that Mary is close to break down in tears.  

Margaret walks up to Mary puts her hands on her shoulders.  "Okay.  It's fine, it's gonna be alright.  We'll speak with your mother in the morning.  But what should we do?  He can't stay here in your room."

Anna looks at her "There is only one thing we can do."   Margaret nods.  "Let's cover him up and we'll take him back to his room."  

They carry him out to the corridor, back to his room.  They put him down in the bed so he it looks like he died in his sleep alone.  

Mary looks down at him "He was so beautiful."   Margaret is staying by the door.  "Mary, we need to go."   Mary sighes.  Her and Anna walks up to Margaret.  Margaret looks at her.  "You know, Evelyn asked me to court him.  I was planning to say yes.  I''m not sure i can when i have to lie to him about the truth about his friend's death.  And for that i can't forgive you Mary."  

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