chapter 9

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Hawk was driving too the school really quickly. He was pissed. He was starting to struggle to keep up with y/n. One minute she's being nice and friendly the next she's being a bitch and trashing cars.
He arrived at the school and went to the principal office to see y/n there half asleep.
He went over and tapped her. She woke up and rolled her eyes at the sight of hawk.
" Don't roll your eyes at me. What is wrong with you?" He slightly shouted.
" The dickhead deserved it" she said.
Hawk rolled his eyes and went into the principal office.
" Mr moskowitz your sister's behavior has really went down hill since she's arrived here. She used to be a lovely and well behaved but now she's angry and violent and incredibly rude to everyone" the principal said.
Hawk looked to the floor sadly. He's blaming himself for this. After everything that girls been through no wonder she's angry but then again hawks been through more than her and he's fine for the most part but hawk still thinks he could of done more.
" Listen she's had a terrible upbringing. She's been abused sexually, physically and mentally. I know what it's like to feel the way she's feeling and I'm sorry she's been behaving like this but she needs help so please let me help her and also you can help her too by offering her therapy or something" hawk said.
The principal looked at hawk with sympathy. hawk used to go here so the principal knew how bad he got it.
" Okay but if she does one more bad thing she's out"the principal said.
"Thank you I really appreciate this I'll make sure she won't" hawk said leaving the office to look at a drunk y/n.
" Let's go home" he said taking y/n hand knowing she'll probably not be able to walk in a straight line.
Once they got home hawk gave y/n some coffee and sat down to talk to her.

This sequel is making me miss little y/n.

hawks sister sequel Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ