A History Class (Ruggie & Kalim, ft. Silver)

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"Please remind me to apologize to Mr. Trein for occasionally falling asleep in his class," Ruggie said to Kalim, who was yawning loudly, ignoring Silver, who was already sleeping on his desk. Ruggie was trying hard to concentrate (she didn't want to get bad grades and have Riddle get mad at her; normally she would simply run away, but that little red lady has a guard with long legs now), but it turned out to be an impossible feat; no one will be immune to the sleeping spell disguised as a history lecture by that ghost!

"Ahhh... I'm so sleepy... where was Lucius when you needed him? Jamil..." Kalim whined, her eyes fluttering shut.

"Oi, Kalim! Don't fall sleep. I can't take care of both of you now that Silver has fallen!" Ruggie panicked as she noticed the young heir closing her eyes, her soft cheeks squished against the thick book in front of her.

"But Rugghie - hoaaammmm - I'm already sleepy..." replied Kalim with a big yawn.

"I can see that! But just don't abandon me! You know how difficult it is to rouse Silver up; there's no way I could carry him by myself!" Ruggie becomes agitated and decides to make more noise in order to rouse up the white-haired female.

Kalim yawned and pulled out her pen, pointing it towards her face; a murmur of 'Oasis Maker' coming from her lips. In a second, a torrent of water enough to soak their table flew out of her wand and landed on her listless face. The girl awoke suddenly, startled by the water, and coughed as some of the water entered her nose.

Alarmed, she looked around; fortunately, no one was paying attention to them; most of them were were still affected by the professor's sleeping spell,' who was still teaching on the goblin war, while the remainder (mainly Ravenclaws) were still attempting to stay focused. "Woi!" she said as she whirled back to face Kalim, who was still coughing. It's great if you want to wake yourself up, but you don't have to use your Unique Magic!"

Feeling no more water clogged up her nose, Kalim just grins, her long fingers scratching her head, "haha, sorry Ruggie. "I'm terribly sleepy, so I couldn't think straight," she said as she opened her glittering red eyes (Ruggie had to squint as if gazing directly at the sun), "but now I'm not drowsy anymore!"

Ruggie grimaced at the Asim family's eldest daughter, but chose not to say anything and instead sighed lightly, "haah... so this is how you've been feeling all this time Jamil?" Her honey brown eyes met Kalim's, who was still beaming warmly. Unconsciously, a smile appeared on her face, adding, "Yeah, that's good. But next time, just use a regular spell, please. You're lucky the water wasn't much more than that; we'd be scolded."

Kalim's lovely face instantly turned paled. Her gaze was fixed on the horizon, as if she was contemplating what would happen if she accidently summoned a lake of water.

Ruggie who saw it simply laughed. She could hear the whispers of some of the other pupils by using her hyena's ears, which were covered by a spell. But Ruggie didn't mind because their lesson wasn't relevant. She had checked the old notes of Ron's siblings, as well as Hermione's, and discovered that they were all the same. There was no change in the content they received at any level; she just had to read all of the notes and inform the others. To be honest, she was certain that the books Riddle had discovered in the Black family library, her dormitory's personal collection, and the school library had taught her more about the entire history of magic in this world. Riddle and Azul were even better at collecting and teaching them all of that stuff.

"I swear, there's nothing interesting in this world. Even Mr. Trein's lectures are more enjoyable and interesting, despite the fact that he speaks in a boringly way. Haaahhh... the only intriguing thing about this school is the forest, which we can't visit. "

Kalim now turned her attention to her parchment (and Ruggie thought Mr. Trein was old fashioned, at least their history teacher was knowledge enough about technology and sometimes told them to send their assignments over the internet. Really, parchment? What kind of antiquity is this?!) and started making some lines on it. She didn't even look away as she replied to Ruggie, "You're right. I don't really like some of the teachers here; I think they should be happier. I'll throw a party if I still have a lot of money. To be honest, I'm more amazed Floyd hasn't made a big deal out of it yet."

"Yes, we are all poor here – welcome to my world, by the way – but at least we get a place to stay and free food. I swear, I rather we got lessons from Crewel-sensei and his whip rather than having to be taught by Professor Snape. Seriously, does he really want to teach us or put us down? If it not for Crewel-sensei's sadistic teaching I probably would have understood nothing in potions lessons," listening to Kalim's thought about Floyd made her laugh, "shehehehe, you're right. I heard he got into trouble once or twice some students; he even got into a detention once. He's lucky the pink toad hasn't caught him yet."

When Kalim sees her creation (a picture of Jamil frowning with a coconut in his hands), her red eyes shine brightly once more. She tucked the parchment away and picked up the black-bound book Riddle had handed her after breakfast. "Professor Snape is terrifying. "I barely understood potion before, save for poisons and antidotes; now I totally understand nothing," she replied, shaking her head and displaying the contents of the letter she had taken out. They were notes on the ingredients and methods of making different kinds of potions, there were some scribbles in different handwritings and colors, "I even had to ask Riddle to teach me. She instead invited Azul and Jamil to make complete notes from grade 1 to grade 7 with the help of Hermione and the Weasley twins. I really can only thank them. Oh yeah, Jamil once told me that he doesn't like Professor Snape, even though he's the head of his own house," Kalim pouted, her fingers turning to the next page of the note, "he's also stressed out having to deal with his housemates, which is why I try not to disturb him much."

Ruggie was amazed to see the note, which is not much of wonder since it was the creation of the three smartest students in their grade, she thought of asking for a copy from Riddle (she was much easier to ask for help than Jamil and Azul), the girl must have taken the initiative to make it because she remembered Harry and Ron complained about that particular subject. Despite Hermione's assistance, the two lads barely grasp anything until Riddle intervened. It wasn't easy indeed; she could still remember the shrill voice of the tiny tyrant that could even frighten the adults and creatures in Mr. Sirius' house. Ruggie still shuddered every time she thought about it, it was times like these she was grateful she wasn't in the same house as the Red Queen.

"Turns out they weren't joking about Professor Snape. I thought he was only bad at home, but he's much worse!" the hyena girl sighed, her fingers now playing with her short hair, still not paying attention to the lesson ahead, "that guy is also too picky. Why did he spoil the Slytherins so much? Is it because it's his old dorm? None of our teachers at NRC are like that, and you know how proud they are of their former dorm, right?" she once again whisper-shouting at Kalim who is now doing her potion homework, "Obviously many people don't like him. So did the rest of the dorms, especially that Draco boy! Aish, if I can do a Floyd on that child, I've already beaten him!"

Kalim just nodded her head, too focused on the task at hand. Ruggie who regained consciousness sighed, knowing she had lost her conversation partner. She weighed the choice of sleeping or staying awake. Sleeping sounded good, but if she didn't get up on time, they would be late for the next class. Silver is hard to wake up and Kalim if she is focused on something can be oblivious to time.

Ruggie then unzipped her backpack and began her Transfiguration homework after determining which choice was better. She still has a week to complete the assignment, but she may use it to pass the time until the lesson end. At the very least, she will be more productive. Furthermore, she doesn't require much time to finish her schoolwork.

Because honestly, the subjects in this school are really easy.

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