Chapter One:A Hades' Eyes On A Story

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(This is Hades' POV of the whole Book 1 crap and such. Gonna have swears and crap)

Journal #218,'m back..just visit my brother from jail...again...ok ok...I know what you are thinking. 'Hades! It been ten months! Why haven't help him escape like you did before?'. Ok..look...I grew up with strict mother and my father spoiled Zeus while being strict with me a bitch for all you matter, but it's all because he got some wings or whatever. Then again..when you have 80 kinda tend to deal with favoritism every now and then. Anyways..they spoiled him because he got his pow card first as a villain and shit.

Our parents really have a hate spot for, they taught us how to fix..which is a waste of time to be honest. I don't really want anything to do with it. Haven't got my pow card til 16..when I got kicked out for just being AroAce..then parents have a....thing where we must have a family life going or something. Now I'm level -4...not too much, but it's something. Ok I waste my time..let's me tell you MY point of story.

So..I never really WANTED to free my brother, but my parents wanted me to. Look, I never wanted any parts of this, butttttt it's something. Beside, I was getting bored so I broke into the jail, with an fake ID, which it's HARD to make a fake ID! With all the rules and stuff. Anyways, I broke my brother out and he went to do chaos. WHICH I need to say..WHAT THE ACTUALLY COB OF MOTHER COB?! I MEAN-COB! THAT WAS BRUTAL!! Too much for my taste....but the end, they capture him and took me back..idiot...most of my time. I was just watching..not because I enjoy it..because I need people for my guilt trap them into my power.

I already thought of my two victims..Elodie and my other cousin, Aphrodite. Not the best choices,'s really something to get started. The two have some..guilty how Elodie left Enid...or how Aphrodite blame herself for not being strong enough...everyone have their sorrows...all you have to do is crack each and little pieces of it...anyways til next time.

From Hades, 201X.

Hades sigh before putting their journal in her drawer and grabs their hourglass. "Just a dust of a drip of blood...each drop remind me of every little blood of his poor victims....I never wanted to do this...but you know...things...never stays the a wicked villain said...there's always ways to be wicked" she said, before putting the hourglass in their pocket before leaving...after taking their cloak that is.

Now the REAL story begins...

(Thanks for reading. I was busy so it have to be a short chapter. Aphrodite belong to Ra1nSt0rm )

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