Overprotective husband's(part-2)

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Jaemin(nana):Thyew arewl notw allowiglw mew tou gow tow myl frieldlw housew butw I'll gow tow my friend housew atw anyw costw

Then nana get out of his room and goes to the living room and see if anyone is their or not when saw that no one is their he ran to the mansion door and about to open that but one servant came and said

Servant: young master where are you at this time it is about to get night

Nana(flinch): Ahhw yowl imw notlw gowinglw anywherelw I'ml goinglw tow gardenw I'mw Soow boredw that'sw whyl

Servant: ok young master come with me I'm going to take you their come

He opened the door

Nana:nowl I'llw gow alonew (fake cry)

Servant(panicked):ok ok young master don't cry please

Jaemin stoped his fake cry and immediately go out

Jaemin(sigh): iw havew tow getw outw quicklyw orl someonew willw againw caughtw mew

When jaemin saw their is not a guard in the gate he open the gate and goes outside

Jaemin(Happy): yessw nowl no onew willw stoppedw mew nowl I'llw gow tow myl friendw housew

Sorry for grammar mistakes
And sorry for delay

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