"The Northern Army? Have I misunderstood the Western Army?"

"no. Obviously, the flag of the Duke of Heisen was in the forefront."

All those gathered at the messenger's answer were astonished.

It was the same with Genoa. However, thanks to his skillful facial expression management, he was barely visible.

"Did the North not declare neutrality in this war?"

"That's the way it is. Why is the North, which does not even intervene in central politics, suddenly siding with the West?"

"Maybe the North has changed its mind and came to support."

Instead, one of them cautiously offered an opinion, and all eyes turned to the messenger.

"Let me report in detail the current situation of the North Gate."

At Genoa's command, the messenger opened his mouth nervously.

"The northern army forcibly opened the gate and entered, and we are fighting against our army. Therefore, it is judged that the Northern Army united with the West."

In response to the unexpected answer, Genoa slammed the table with her fist.

There was silence in the conference room.

'Why did the North come out at such an important time?'

It was not that Genoa did not persuade the North.

The northern part was notorious for not being involved in central politics from the beginning of the founding period, and since Grand Duke Hyeon became the head of the country, he almost cut ties with the central government.

So he lowered his stance and approached with caution, but Archduke Hisen did not budge.

He tried to lean on the bond of blood by calling him uncle, but the Archduke did not even meet him.

'At that time, I was already holding hands with the West.'

"I don't understand. Why did the North, which had been maintaining neutrality so far, suddenly change its position?"

"Isn't there any point of contact between the West and the North?"

"This is true. I never dreamed that the North would betray the imperial family."

"Yes. Also, isn't the Grand Duke of the Imperial family? How did you join hands with the rebels?"

The expressions on the faces of some elder ministers who recalled the death of their predecessors suddenly darkened. But no one spoke of that fact.

By revealing the things that have already happened in the past and there is no clear evidence, it would only go against the intention of the Crown Prince.

"Your Majesty, it is important to understand the purpose of the Northern Army, but shouldn't we focus on defending the Imperial Palace first?"

The captain of the Guard made his opinion cautiously.

"Yes. If the Northern Army joins in while the Western Army is heading towards the Imperial Palace, it will be difficult for us as well."

The other knights commanders also agreed with the commander's opinion.

"How many troops do you have now in the Northern Army?"

"It is equivalent to the size of the Western Army."


A sigh flowed from among the ambassadors.

"If you do this, you won't even have a numerical advantage. How can I do this?"

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