Chapter 18:- That's my favorite(Past)

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The next day when Harry wakes up, he doesn't feel those light touches or remember having dreams about that night. Well in a perfect world it would mean that maybe he has finally moved on but he knows he doesn't need memories because Zayn is here with him, probably asleep in the next bedroom.

Zayn makes bad memories go away. He still remembers that.

When he finally gets out of his bedroom, he is ready for some breakfast. He is surprised to see Zayn sleeping on the couch. On his stomach light snores coming from his parted lips. Harry smiles at that. Zayn never believed whenever he would tell him he snores instead he used to call him a bad snorer.

He is still the same he thinks maybe in some way, and it's kind of comforting to find the remnants of old Zayn, the one he used to know and love.

Is he still the same? Do I still love him?

People change don't they six years is a very long time, what if he is just in love with the old him? What if he doesn't love him now? Will it be easier to be friends then?

He really needs to stop. In the kitchen, he notices he needs some groceries, so instead of waking Zayn up, he decides to buy them. Shopping always distracts him from disturbing thoughts, especially when he has to talk to Zayn.

Harry doesn't realize but apart from everything else he has bought Weetabix, the one thing Zayn loves. It shouldn't be but it's still amusing to him how he still remembers these little things about Zayn.

Hope he still likes them.

Zayn is finally awake and when he finally joins Harry he notices what Harry bought for him, there is a subtle smile there, he can see.

So, you still like them.

Apart from the few awkward 'Good Morning' greetings they don't speak much. Harry thinks isn't it supposed to get better the second time? Only first times are supposed to be difficult, they should have been a little relaxed around each other by now.

But apparently not. He remembers Lex's advice to figure it out. Yes, he will figure something out.

Harry braces himself.

"So you like the salad?"

Zayn looks at him for a few moments, maybe startled. Maybe he wasn't expecting there was going to be any conversation at the breakfast table. He quickly overcomes the shock and replies, "Yeah, I see you still didn't get over your obsession with eating grass."

Harry smiles at that. Banter, that's a good start, but nobody gets to belittle his homemade healthy food, not even Zayn, "It's a leaf, green but leaf."

"Yeah, that's what I said. Grass."

He glares at Zayn then. Check two, he still hates healthy food. They fall under a silence again, an uncomfortable one at that. This time Zayn breaks it.

"Harry, Are you sure, You are ok with me staying here? I mean, I know what I said last night, but still, if you are not comfortable, I can go and live with any of my friends. It's really fine. Just say the word I am ready to go."

Harry really hasn't heard Zayn ramble ever in his life considering he is not good with words as he himself says most of the time. Yesterday, when he saw that hint of confidence in Zayn's face, the way he spoke, it seems to crumble now.

Am I the one making you uncomfortable?

"Do you have friends here?" Harry speaks, "Actually, you don't. I know all your friends. Lex and Luke are living together so unless you wanna be a third wheel, and nobody can live with Nick, he is loud and just so so loud. Do you have any uni friends here?"

Remembering You- Zarry AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora